The current across a diode is, where $I_s$ is a forced saturation current, $V$ is the voltage drop across it, and $V_T$ is the **thermal voltage** such that $V_T=\frac{kT}{q}$, where $T$ is the temperature, $k$ is the Boltzmann constant, and $q$ is the charge of an electron:
!!! tip
- $V_T\approx\pu{25 mV}$ at 20°C
- $V_T\approx\pu{20 mV}$ at 25°C
A diode is open when current is flowing reverse the desired direction, resulting in zero current, until the voltage drop becomes so great that it reaches the **breakdown voltage** $V_B$. Otherwise, the above current formula is followed.
Diodes are commonly used in **rectifier circuits** — circuits that convert AC to DC.
By preventing negative voltage, a relatively constant positive DC voltage is obtained. The slight dip between each hill is known as **ripple** $\Delta V$.
A Zener diode is a calibrated diode with a known breakdown voltage, $V_B$. If the voltage across the diode would be greater than $V_B$, it is **capped at $V_B$.**
Solving for current for each element in a series returns a negative linear line and other non-linear lines.
- the linear line is the **load line**, which represents the possible solutions to the circuit when it is loaded
- Depending on the base current $I_s$, the diode or transistor will be **biased** toward one of the curves, and the voltage and current will settle on one of the intersections, or **bias points**.
In strictly DC, current passes the gate if the gate voltage is greater than the threshold voltage $V_G>V_t$. The difference between the two is known as the **overdrive voltage** $V_{ov}$:
At a small $V_{DS}$, or in AC, the slope of $I_D$ to $V_{DS}$ is proportional to $V_G$. The **channel transconductance** $g_{DS}$ represents this slope, which is constant based on the **transconductance parameter** of the device.
Before the saturation region, the current grows exponentially:
As $V_{gs}$ is not necessarily zero, dependent sources must be left in when solving for output resistance, and so a small test source at the point of interest is required.