Please see [SL Physics 1#Electric potential](/g11/sph3u7#electric-potential) for more information on voltage.
Please see [SL Physics 1#5.2 - Heating effect of electric currents](/g11/sph3u7/#52-heating-effect-of-electric-currents) for more information on current.
Please see [SL Physics 1#Resistance](/g11/sph3u7/#resistance) for more information on resistance.
**Electric charge** $Q$ quantises the charge of electrons and positive ions, and is expressed in coulombs (**C**).
Objects with charge generate electric fields, thus granting potential energy that is released upon proximity to another charge.
!!! warning
Voltage and current are capitalised in **direct current only** ($V$, $I$). In general use, their lowercase forms should be used instead ($v, $i$).
**Voltage** is related to the change in energy ($dw$) over the change in charge ($dq$), or alternatively through Ohm's law:
**Current** represents the rate of flow of charge in amps (**A**). Conventional current moves opposite electron flow because old scientists couldn't figure it out properly.
- A **ground** is the reference point that all **potential differences are relative to**.
A **generic voltage source** provides a known potential difference between its two terminals that is defined by the source. The resultant current can be calculated.
A **generic current source** provides a known amperage between its two terminals that is defined by the source. The resultant voltage can be calculated.
A current in the **positive direction** indicates that the source is releasing power (is a source). Otherwise, it is consuming power (is a load).
### Dependent energy sources
A **dependent <​T: voltage | current> source** has a **T** dependent on the voltage or current elsewhere in the circuit. $k$ is a function that is likely but not guaranteed to be linear.