# ECE 204: Numerical Methods ## Linear regression Given a regression $y=mx+b$ and a data set $(x_{i..n}, y_{i..n})$, the **residual** is the difference between the actual and regressed data: $$E_i=y_i-b-mx_i$$ ### Method of least squares This method minimises the sum of the square of residuals. $$\boxed{S_r=\sum^n_{i=1}E_i^2}$$ $m$ and $b$ can be found by taking the partial derivative and solving for them: $$\frac{\partial S_r}{\partial m}=0, \frac{\partial S_r}{\partial b}=0$$ This returns, where $\overline y$ is the mean of the actual $y$-values: $$ \boxed{m=\frac{n\sum^n_{i=1}x_iy_i-\sum^n_{i=1}x_i\sum^n_{i=1}y_i}{n\sum^n_{i=1}x_i^2-\left(\sum^n_{i=1}x_i\right)^2}} \\ b=\overline y-m\overline x $$ The total sum of square around the mean is based off of the actual data: $$\boxed{S_t=\sum(y_i-\overline y)^2}$$ Error is measured with the **coefficient of determination** $r^2$ — the closer the value is to 1, the lower the error. $$ r^2=\frac{S_t-S_r}{S_t} $$ If the intercept is the **origin**, $m$ reduces down to a simpler form: $$m=\frac{\sum^n_{i=1}x_iy_i}{\sum^n_{i=1}x_i^2}$$ ## Non-linear regression ### Exponential regression Solving for the same partial derivatives returns the same values, although bisection may be required for the exponent coefficient ($e^{bx}$) Instead, linearising may make things easier (by taking the natural logarithm of both sides. Afterward, solving as if it were in the form $y=mx+b$ returns correct !!! example $y=ax^b\implies\ln y = \ln a + b\ln x$ ### Polynomial regression The residiual is the offset at the end of a polynomial. $$y=a+bx+cx^2+E$$ Taking the relevant partial derivatives returns a system of equations which can be solved in a matrix. ## Interpolation Interpolation ensures that every point is crossed. ### Direct method To interpolate $n+1$ data points, you need a polynomial of a degree **up to $n$**, and points that enclose the desired value. Substituting the $x$ and $y$ values forms a system of equations for a polynomial of a degree equal to the number of points chosen - 1. ### Newton's divided difference method This method guesses the slope to interpolate. Where $x_0$ is an existing point: $$\boxed{f(x)=b_0+b_1(x-x_0)}$$ The constant is an existing y-value and the slope is an average. $$ \begin{align*} b_0&=f(x_0) \\ b_1&=\frac{f(x_1)-f(x_0)}{x_1-x_0} \end{align*} $$ This extends to a quadratic, where the second slope is the average of the first two slopes: $$\boxed{f(x)=b_0+b_1(x-x_0)+b_2(x-x_0)(x-x_1)}$$ $$ b_2=\frac{\frac{f(x_2)-f(x_1)}{x_2-x_1}-\frac{f(x_1)-f(x_0)}{x_1-x_0}}{x_2-x_0} $$ ## Derivatives Derivatives are estimated based on first principles: $$f'(x)=\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$$ ### Derivatives of continuous functions At a desired $x$ for $f'(x)$: 1. Choose an arbitrary $h$ 2. Calculate derivative via first principles 3. Shrink $h$ and recalculate derivative 4. If the answer is drastically different, repeat step 3 ### Derivatives of discrete functions Guesses are made based on the average slope between two points. $$f'(x_i)=\frac{f(x_{i+1})-f(x_i)}{x_{i+1}-x_i}$$ ### Divided differences - Using the next term, or a $\Delta x > 0$ indicates a **forward divided difference (FDD)**. - Using the previous term, or a $\Delta x < 0$ indicates a **backward divided difference (BDD)**. The **central divided difference** averages both if $h$ or $\Delta x$ of the forward and backward DDs are equal. $$f'(x)=CDD=\frac{f(x+h)-f(x-h)}{2h}$$ ### Higher order derivatives Taking the Taylor expansion of the function or discrete set and then expanding it as necessary can return any order of derivative. This also applies for $x-h$ if positive and negative are alternated. $$f(x+h)=f(x)+f'(x)h+\frac{f''(x)}{2!}h^2+\frac{f'''(x)}{3!}h^3$$ !!! example To find second order derivatives: \begin{align*} f''(x)&=\frac{2f(x+h)-2f(x)-2f'(x)h}{h^2} \\ &=\frac{2f(x+h)-2f(x)-(f(x+h)-f(x-h))}{h^2} \\ &=\frac{f(x+h)-2f(x)+f(x-h)}{h^2} \end{align*} !!! example $f''(3)$ if $f(x)=2e^{1.5x}$ and $h=0.1$: \begin{align*} f''(3)&=\frac{f(3.1)-2\times2f(3)+f(2.9)}{0.1^2} \\ &=405.08 \end{align*} For discrete data: - If the desired point does not exist, differentiating the surrounding points to create a polynomial interpolation of the derivative may be close enough. !!! example | t | 0 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 22.5 | 30 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | v(t) | 0 | 227.04 | 362.78 | 517.35 | 602.47 | 901.67 | $v'(16)$ with FDD: Using points $t=15,t=20$: \begin{align*} v'(x)&=\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h} \\ &=\frac{f(15+5)-f(15)}{5} \\ &=\frac{517.35-362.78}{5} \\ &=30.914 \end{align*} $v'(16)$ with Newton's first-order interpolation: \begin{align*} v(t)&=v(15)+\frac{v(20)-v(15)}{20-15}(t-15) \\ &=362.78+30.914(t-15) \\ &=-100.93+30.914t \\ v'(t)&=\frac{v(t+h)-v(t)}{2h} \\ &=\frac{v(16.1)-v(15.9)}{0.2} \\ &=30.914 \end{align*} - If the spacing is not equal (to make DD impossible), again creating an interpolation may be close enough. - If data is noisy, regressing and then solving reduces random error. ## Integrals If you can represent a function as an $n$-th order polynomial, you can approximate the integral with the integral of that polynomial. ### Trapezoidal rule The **trapezoidal rule** looks at the first order polynomial and From $a$ to $b$, if there are $n$ trapezoidal segments, where $h=\frac{b-a}{n}$ is the width of each segment: $$\int^b_af(x)dx=\frac{b-a}{2n}[f(a)+2(\sum^{n-1}_{i=1}f(a+ih))+f(b)]$$ The error for the $i$th trapezoidal segment is $|E_i|=\left|\frac{h^3}{12}\right|f''(x)$. This can be approximated with a maximum value of $f''$: $$\boxed{|E_T|\leq(b-a)\frac{h^2}{12}M}$$ ### Simpson's 1/3 rule This uses the second-order polynomial with **two segments**. Three points are usually used: $a,\frac{a+b}{2},b$. Thus for two segments: $$\int^b_af(x)dx\approx\frac h 3\left[f(a)+4f\left(\frac{a+b}{2}\right)+f(b)\right]$$ For an arbitrary number of segments, as long as there are an **even number** of **equal** segments: $$\int^b_af(x)dx=\frac{b-a}{3n}\left[f(x_0)+4\sum^{n-1}_{\substack{i=1 \\ \text{i is odd}}}f(x_i)+2\sum^{n-2}_{\substack{i=2 \\ \text{i is even}}}f(x_i)+f(x_n)\right]$$ The error is: $$|E_T|=(b-a)\frac{h^4}{180}M$$ ## Ordinary differential equations ### Initial value problems These problems only have results for one value of $x$. **Euler's method** converts the function to the form $f(x,y)$, where $y'=f(x,y)$. !!! example $y'+2y=1.3e^{-x},y(0)=5\implies f(x,y)=1.3e^{-x}-2y,y(0)=5$ Where $h$ is the width of each estimation (lower is better): $$y_{n+1}=y_n+hf(x_n,y_n)$$ !!! example If $f(x,y)=2xy,h=0.1$, $y_{n+1}=y_n+h2x_ny_n$ $$ y(1.1)=y(1)+0.1×2×1×\underbrace{y(1)}_{1 via IVP}=1.2 \\ y(1.2)=y(1.1)+0.1×2×1.1×\underbrace{y(1.1)}_{1.2}=1.464 $$ **Heun's method** uses Euler's formula as a predictor. Where $y^*$ is the Euler solution: $$y_{n+1}=y_n+h\frac{f(x_n,y_n)+f(x_{n+1},y^*_{n+1}}{2}$$ !!! example For $f(x,y)=2xy,h=0.1, y(1)=1$: Euler's formula returns $y^*_{n+1}=y_n+2hx_ny_n\implies y^*(1.1)=1.2$. Applying Heun's correction: \begin{align*} y(1.1)&=y(1)=0.1\frac{2×1×y(1)+2×1.1×y^*(1.1)}{2} \\ &=1+0.1\frac{2×1×1+2×1.1×1.2}{2} \\ &=1.232 \end{align*} The **Runge-Kutta fourth-order method** is the most accurate of the three methods: $$y_n+1=y_n+\frac 1 6(k_1+2k_2+2k_3+k_4)$$ - $k_1=hf(x_n,y_n)$ - $k_2=hf(x_n+\tfrac 1 2h,y_n+\tfrac 1 2k_1)$ - $k_3=hf(x_n+\tfrac 1 2 h, y_n+\tfrac 1 2 k_2)$ - $k_4=hf(x_n+h,y_n+k_3)$ ### Higher order ODEs Higher order ODEs can be solved by reducing them to first order ODEs by creating a system of equations. For a second order ODE: Let $y'=u$. $$ y'=u \\ u'=f(x,y,u) $$ For each ODE, the any method can be used: $$ y_{n+1}=y_n+hu_n \\ u_{n+1}=u_n+hf(x_n,y_n,u_n) $$ !!! example For $y''+xy'+y=0,y(0)=1,y'(0)=2,h=0.1$: \begin{align*} y'&= u \\ u'&=-xu-y \\ y_1&=y_0+0.1u_0 \\ &=1+0.1×2 \\ &=1.2 \\ \\ u_1&=u_0+0.1×f(x_0,y_0,u_0) \\ &=u_0+0.1(-x_0u_0-y_0] \\ &=2+0.1(-0×2-1) \\ &=1.9 \end{align*} ### Boundary value problems The **finite difference method** divides the interval between the boundary into $n$ sub-intervals, replacing derivatives with their first principles representations. Solving each $n-1$ equation returns a proper system of equations. !!! example For $y''+2y'+y=x^2, y(0)=0.2,y(1)=0.8,n=4\implies h=0.25$: $x_0=0,x_1=0.25,x_2=0.5,x_3=0.75,x_4=1$ Replace with first principles: $$\frac{y_{i+1}-2y_i+y_{i-1}{h^2}+2\frac{y_{i+1}-y_i}{h}+y_i=x_i^2$$