site_name: Eifueo
site_description: "A collection of personal notes throughout school"
site_author: "Daniel Chen"
copyright: "Text licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License"
site_url: ""
repo_url: ""
repo_name: Gitea
  - Home:
  - Grade 11 IB:
      - SL Physics 1: g11/
      - SL Physics 2: g11/
      - SL Math - Analysis and Approaches 1: g11/
      - SL Math - Analysis and Approaches 2: g11/
      - SL French 1: g11/
      - HL English 1: g11/
      - HL Chemistry 1: g11/
      - HL History 1: g11/
      - Theory of Knowledge: g11/
  - Grade 12 IB:
      - SL French 2: g12/
      - HL Chemistry 2: g12/
      - HL Chemistry 3: g12/
      - HL English 2: g12/
      - HL History 2: g12/
  - Computer Engineering 1A:
      - "ECE 105: Classical Mechanics": 1a/
      - "ECE 150: C++": 1a/
      - "MATH 115: Linear Algebra": 1a/
      - "MATH 117: Calculus 1": 1a/
  - Computer Engineering 1B:
      - "ECE 106: Electricity & Magnets": 1b/
      - "ECE 108: Discrete Math 1": 1b/
      - "ECE 124: Digital Circuits": 1b/
      - "ECE 140: Linear Circuits": 1b/
      - "ECE 192: Engineering Economics": 1b/
      - "MATH 119: Calculus 2": 1b/
  - Computer Engineering 2A:
      - "ECE 109: Materials Chemistry": 2a/
      - "ECE 240: Electronic Circuits": 2a/
      - "ECE 222: Digital Computers": 2a/
      - "ECE 250: DSA": 2a/
      - "ECE 205: Advanced Calculus 1": 2a/
      - "ECE 204: Numerical Methods": 2a/

  name: material

  - mdx_math:
      enable_dollar_delimiter: True
  - admonition
  - pymdownx.details
  - pymdownx.superfences
  - attr_list
  - def_list
  - footnotes
  - toc:
      permalink: True


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