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2019-03-18 11:23:59 -04:00
# Shake Speare
## Taking Point Form Notes
- Record title or **```SOURCE```** at the top of your page.
- Use your **```OWN WORDS```** Do not simply copy from the sources.
- Do **```NOT```** write in full sentences.
- Use **```HEADINGS```** and subhearings to separate and label points.
- Include **```DEFINITIONS```** of all unfamiliar terms.
- Use **```ABBREVIATIONS```** whenever possible, but make sure you now what they mean.
- Include **```DIAGRAMS```** or **```CHARTS```** of material when appropriate, but be sure to label them clearly.
- Include **```EXAMPLES```** that make sense to you whenever possible.
- Always **```WRITE NEATLY```** enough that someone else could read your notes.
- You must be able to **```EXPLAIN```** the notes to someone else.
# Intro To Shakespeare
## William Shakespeare
- Was born 1564 - 1616
- Married Ann hathway and had 3 kids
- Wrote 57 plays, 154 sonnets and two longer poems
## Politics and Religions
- Great Chain of being
- Greatly religious time
- The ladder of intellect
- The god was at the top
- Then angels
- Heaven
- Human
- Beast
- Plant
- Flame
- Stone
- Hierachal Order
- God
- was on top of all of society
- They believed God picked the kings
- King
- Everyone needed to obeyed the king, as if they didn't, they would be going aganist god
- Nobles
- picked by the kings
- Merchants
- cannot wear the clothing of nobles
- Peasants
- cannot wear the clothing of merchants and above
## Henry The 8th VIII
- Had 8 diffferent wives
- Was not alive during shakespeares time
- Had a patriot
- Woman and children were under the ownership of the hubsband
- He started his own religion
- this is why only catholic people are not supposed to be divorced
- Become the head of the church of his religion
- He executed woman for not giving him a son
- Cod-piece: push up bra for male genatalia
## Elizabeth I
- "Female Prince"
- Patron of the arts
- gave alot of money to artist
- reason why we can see alot of shakespeares plays, as she would pay him
- Would pay actors and writers to perform for her
- Woman couldn't go into theatres, due to woman are "weak", which meant they were easily manipulated
- Didn't get married because she has 10000 iq
## James I
- Succeeded Elizatbeth
- Shakespeare had to tailor to a female monarch and a male monarch
- Themes needed to please the ruler
- Brutal man
- Wrote a book how to identify witches and torture them
- Femenist
## Fashion
- Clothes never washed
- Collars
- to prevent lice to jump down
- High heels for the rich
- were meant for men
- White paint for face
- Foreheads were shaved
- Dropping poison in their eyes to make their iris bigger
- Underwear hasn't been invented yet
## Living Conditions
- No toilets
- Bathing almost never happened
- Water was often poisonous.... people avoided it.
- Baths were out of the question. People drank beer/ale instead of water.
## Bubonic Plague
- Also called the black deaths
- Fleas, rats, ships, infecetion
- Killed millions of people
- 85 - 90% population of a village would be dead in 2 - 3 weeks
- some of them believed this was a punishment from god
- Ring around the Rosie
- A lullaby talking about the plague
## So to stay entertained
- They made dogs and bears fight to stay enteratined
- Bull baiting and Bear baiting
- Struggled with ampathy
- Executions
- Men will talk women and children to watch the execution, and then bring them back home and beat them to remember the lesson
## The Globe Theatre
- Shakespeares theatre
- Poor people can sit on the gorund
- Rich people can sit in seats
- Never see 2 things on stage
- Never see any authority killed
- Never see any anti religious things
2019-03-21 11:19:43 -04:00
# Taming of the Shrew
2019-04-24 19:54:47 -04:00
# Act 1, Scene 1
2019-03-21 11:19:43 -04:00
- Lucentio is ontop of Tranio
- Likely these 2 foolish characters will be punished by gods
- Tradition
- ## Lucentio
- is an ignorant character (major historic figs, simliar to sly)
- trying to make himself sound big
- not very educated
- line 11/18/20: of pledges "virtous" intentions
- questionable
- line 32-33: Aristotle, ovid allusions from
- line 25: speaks latin ```well```
- ## Tranio
- Speaks calc
- ## Baptista
- Has 2 daughters
- is very rich, Gremio and Hortensio knows this
- wants to marry off Katherina before Bianca
- ### Katherina
- Gets insulted
- Depressed
- dressed in red
- angry, passion
- head up
- prideful
- realizes and asks if her father is selling her to his friends
- gets called alot of bad things
- ### Bianca
- dressed in white
- symbolizes innocent
- head down
- shy
- Hides & manipulates
- ## Gremio
- calls katherina a whore and a prositute
- ## Hortensio
- Refers Bianco as a ring, hole, monetary indications and ouvertly sexual wise
2019-04-24 11:29:11 -04:00
# Act 1 Scene 2
- Tranio & Lucentio - Petruchio Grumio (Character foils)
- L.60-61 Hortensio is freinds with Petruchio, cares too much to manipulate him
- L.74-78 Petruchio only cares about wealth
- L.87 Hortensio implies he has a bad financial state
- - metaphhors are money oriented
- L.133-134 Calls her `jewel`, `treasure`, money is implied
- L.193-205 Petruchio lieshyperbolic to emphasize, genuine contempt for women
- L.251 Petruchio is `great-hercules` (characterization)(foreshadowing))
2019-04-24 19:54:47 -04:00
- Killed wife (and children)
2019-04-24 11:29:11 -04:00
- Complete impossible tasks
2019-04-24 19:54:47 -04:00
# Act 2 Scene 1
- Baptista only cares about the men's money and asset (335-336)
- Line 318 -> intentionally selling off daugthers for money
- Petruchio claimed that Katherina would only show affection in private (245-297)
- Baptista doesn't care, does not `[blank]`
- Baptista lets Petruchio `[blank]` Katherina dispute `[blank]`
2019-03-21 11:19:43 -04:00
2019-04-05 10:52:43 -04:00
# Act 3 Scene 2
2019-04-24 19:54:47 -04:00
- Baptista concerned about appearances (clothes)
- Baptista publicily calls Katherina a `shrew` (28,29), does show some empathy
2019-04-05 10:52:43 -04:00
- L.4 Baptista feels embarrassed
- Baptista demostrates a bit of understand of Katherina's pain
- L.27.29 Baptista insults katherina, but shows empathy for the 1<sup>st</sup> time.
- Katherina knows the shame is from herself
- L.8-9 Katherina is ashamed
- L.12-20 Katerina points out she warned him already
- Pertuchio knows that when Katherina is angry, there is a reason, just like himself
- Tranio doesn't know Pertuchio at all, shakespeare might have made a mistake
- Hortensio has some good intentions, but he doesn't know anything
- L/22-25 Hortensio knows Pertuchio usually has **```honest```** reasons for his behaviour
- Bapista is grateful that perthuchio is here, but he doesn't care what kind of man he is, basically he doesn't care. Baptista is just happy that he found someone that can marry Katherina.
- Pertchuio mocks baptista, he has a purpose as to show how poorly they are treating Katherina.
2019-04-24 19:54:47 -04:00
- L.69 Baptista states he's grateful Pertchuio has come in any form. This is the situational irnoy Pertuchio likley intends to create, to teach them empathy for Katherina.
- Baptista didn't take time to get to know Petruchio's personality and only cared that someone came to take Katherina (appearances)
- Note: situational irony -> Petruchio intends to create -> he wants to teach others empathy for Katherina
2019-04-05 10:52:43 -04:00
- L.95 Batista calls wedding a ```solemn festival```
- L.111 Pertuchio points out they care too much about apperances and never bothered to check his character.
- L.51 Gremio, by comparison to Pertuchio, Starts to empathize with Katherina.
- L.176 ```mad marriage``` alliteration
- L.194 Katherina tries polite request to get Pertuchio to stay
- L.199 Katherina asks if Pertuchio loves her
2019-04-23 11:02:08 -04:00
# Act 5 Scene 2
- Apperances are decieving
- Public affection is not apprioate in shakespearean time
<img src="https://files.catbox.moe/z2eohf.png" width="1000">
- Petruchio is happy to eat, and is great
- Padua(the town) is kind, Hortensio says he wish its true
- The widow now decides to mock Katherina, makes very little since
- This shows that katherina has changed greatly
- The widow ouvertly calls katherina a shrew multiple times, usually, katherina will attack the widow, but she is now restrained and polite
- L.22 she calls the widow `miss`, being polite, she checks if she is joking or not
- L.27, she triple check if the widow is joking
- L.31 the widow makes that its clear that she is calling Katherina a shrew, and Katherina understands
- Katherina replies with the word `mean`, which is a pun.
- Petruchio comes in a tells Katherina to attack widow
- Katherina does not attack unless she is told to
- Petruchio knows Katherina well enough
- Bianca makes some latently sex-jokes to Petruchio
- Bianca and the widow left the room to escape the sex-harrasments, and the men continue their playful insults
- Petruchio is very sexist, but values woman more than animals, unlike the other men
- Baptista still shows that he is indeed a horrible father
- L.64: He's like good job Petruchio, you married the biggest bitch of them all
- The men battles out to see which wife will come first, be the most obedient
- Bianca, refuses to come, so as the widow
- Katherina getting her revenge:
- L.130: Petruchio: I `charge` you, its an order, but also a pun, to get her revenge
- The widow being a smart person, knows that she is being mocked here
- L.104: Katherina got to be aggressive and get them into the room
- Her long silioguy can show that woman are obedient to men
- ALthough if we look at her lines, she understands Petruchio's wills, shes not being obedient to what Petruchio's orders, but to the good interest of Petruchio
- She talks about the things that Petrhucio has done to her, to mock Lucentio and Hortensio
- She also uses this oppurtunity to riducule Bianca, as before, she would've gotten in trouble, but now since she is following orders, its a different situation
- Might be meant to be hyperbolic, as its very long
- The fact it is sounding akward, as she is not suppose to believe it
- Shakespeare made it sound weird, so we don't agree with it
- L.174 Our strengths weak
- We see that they kiss without sexual harrasment, show that they are in a working relationship
- You won, you hit the `white`, which is also implying Bianca.
2019-03-18 11:23:59 -04:00