diff --git a/Grade 9/Civics/CHV205/Final_Exam_Study_Sheet.md b/Grade 9/Civics/CHV205/Final_Exam_Study_Sheet.md
index a831e82..4489685 100644
--- a/Grade 9/Civics/CHV205/Final_Exam_Study_Sheet.md
+++ b/Grade 9/Civics/CHV205/Final_Exam_Study_Sheet.md
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
|When Effective|When Ineffective|
-|- Tells others what to do
- Limits discussion on ideas and new ways of doing things
- Group does not experience feeling of teamwork| - Time is limited
- Individuals/group lack skill and knowledge
- Group does not know each other|
+|- Time is limited
- Individuals/group lack skill and knowledge
- Group does not know each other|- Developing a strong sense of team is the goal
- Members have some degree of skill/knowledge
- Group wants an element of spontaneity in their work|
## Responsiblities of Citizens
- Citizens have the responsiblities that come with their rights, like to drive safely given the right to drive, responsiblities in Canada include: