diff --git a/Grade 9/Geography/CGC1D1/Final_Exam_Study_Sheet.md b/Grade 9/Geography/CGC1D1/Final_Exam_Study_Sheet.md
index d433656..2102eae 100644
--- a/Grade 9/Geography/CGC1D1/Final_Exam_Study_Sheet.md
+++ b/Grade 9/Geography/CGC1D1/Final_Exam_Study_Sheet.md
@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@
|Region|Location in Canada|Prominent Features|
- ||||
|**Western Cordillera**|- Yukon Territory
- Northwest Territories
- British Columbia|- Formed when the ```Pacific plate``` **subducted** under the ```North American plate```
- It was formed during the ```cenozoic``` and ```mesozoic``` eras, **30** to **100** million years ago
- Its very ```young```
- ```Highland```|
|**Interior Plains**|- Northwest territories
- Saskatchewan
- Alberta
- Manitoba
- Nunavut|```Lowland```|
|**Innutian Mountains**|- Nunavut|- Formed in mesozoic era
- It was formed by the ```North American Plate```
- Its very ```young```, hence higher
- ```Lowland```|
@@ -203,7 +202,6 @@
|Type of Climate|Description|Examples|
- ||||
|```Maritime```|- Small annual temperature range (cool to warm summers, cold to mildwinters) below ```25C``` range
- Annual ```percipitation``` is high - greater than ```1000mm```
- Develops in coastal locations near major water bodies (i.e. Atlantic or Pacific Oceans)
- Season of max precipitation is ```winter```|- Halifax
- Nova Scotia
- Vancouver
- British Columbia|
|```Continental```|- Large annual temperature range (warm to hot summers, cold winters) greater than ```25C``` range
- Annual ```percipitation``` is low - below ```1000mm```
- Develops in area far from oceans and large lakes, in the interior of a continent/land mass
- Season of max precipitation is ```summer```|- Regina
- Saskatchewan
- Winnipeg
- Manitoba|
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|Energy Source|Description|Advantages|Disadvantages|
- |||||
|Coal|Coal is formed from decayed plants and organic matter, which is then extracted
produces electricity using steam (```thermoelectricity```)
The steam is produced from burning the coal|- Plants can be built near ```urban areas```
- Keeps transportation costs ```low```
- ```Low-cost plants```
|- Fossil fuels prices rise
- ```Non-renewable resource```
- creates a lot of ```air pollution```
|Oil & Gas|It's formed from decayed plants and organic matter, which is then extracted
produces electricity using steam (```thermoelectricity```)
The steam is made from the burning of oil & gas|- Plants can be built near urban areas
- Plants can be built where fuel is rapidiy ```accessible```
- Cheap plants
|- Fuel costs raise rapidly
- Uses an ```non-renewable resource```
- Creates a lot of ```air pollution``` and ```acid percipitation```|
|Fracking|Creating natural gas by pumping chemicals deep underground
which is then extracted later and treated the same as fossil fuels and natural gases
|-``` Dramatically``` reducing cost of naturallgas globally
- ```Reduces carbon emissions```
|- Contaminantes ```air and water```
- ```Destruction``` of potiental farmlands
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|Enerdy Source|Description|Advantages|Disadvantages|
- |||||
|Solar|Uses the ```sun``` as a heat source to collect energy|- Its is a ```reliable consitent supply```
- Solar panels are becoming more ```efficient```
- It can be incorporated into the existing ```electric grid```
- It can be used on a ```local scale```|- The sun does not shine all the time
- Solar energy is not uniformly delivered across Canada
- It's a ```diffuse``` source that needs ```many collectors``` to generate enough power
|Wind|Uses the ```wind current``` to turn turbines to generate energy|- The costs of wind turbines are ```decreasing```
- It can be incorpoarated into the existing ```electric grid```
- It can be used on a ```local scale```
|- The wind does not blow all the time
- Wind is not uniformly delivered across Canada
- It's a ```diffuse``` source that needs ```many turbines``` to generate enough power|
|Tidal|Uses The waves ```tidal force``` to generate energy|- It's a ```reliable consitent supply```
- ```Improved designs``` of generators are making more sites possible|- There are ```few suitble sites```
- Generating stations are ```expensive``` to build
- Building stations has ```environmental impacts```|