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> |double|-1.7e<sup>+/-308</sup> to 1.7<sup>+/-308</sup>|64 bits|stuff|double stuff;|
> |char|Single (unicode) characters|16 bits|letter|char letter;|
> ## Operations
>> |Operation|Notation|Equivalent|Result Type|
>> |:--------|:-------|:---------|:----------|
>> |equals|a == b||boolean|
>> |addition|a + b||number|
>> |subtraction|a - b||number|
>> |multiplication|a * b||number|
>> |division|a / b||number|
>> |less|a < b||boolean|
>> |less or equal|a > b|a <= b||boolean|
>> |more|a >= b|not (a < b)|boolean|
>> |more or equal|a >= b|not(a == b)|boolean|
>> |negation|-b|0 - b|number|
> ## Sample Code
>> ``` java
>> class AddTip{
>> public static void main(String[]args){
>> double amount; // variable declaration,
>> // can store a double(real number)
>> // no value assigned to it yet
>> // variable name is identifier
>> double pi = 3.1415926;
>> amount = 19.95; // variable amount has been assigned value of 19.95
>> amount = amount + 3.00; // takes current vaue of amount(19.95) and add 3.00 to it
>> // then assigns the new value to amount(22.95)
>> System.out.print("We will pay $");
>> System.out.print(amount);
>> System.out.print(" for the pizza delivery");
>> // prints amount
>> }
>> }
>> ```
> ## Java Data Types
>> ### Java primitive types
>>> boolean
>>> number:
>>> - integer
>>> - byte
>>> - short
>>> - int
>>> - long
>>> - char
>>> - floating-point
>>> - float
>>> - double
>>> **Remember** ```String``` is not a primitive type
>> ### Boolean Expressions
>>> can only have 2 possible value(true or false)
>>> - compare must be compatible type
>>> |Symbol|Meaning|
>>> |:-----|:------|
>>> |==|equal to|
>>> |!=|not equal to|
>>> |>|greater than|
>>> |<|less than|
>>> |>=|greater than or equal to|
>>> |<=|less than or equal to|
>> ```Modulus operator (%)```: returns the remainder of 2 numbers
>> ```String```: stores characters / text
>> ```String comparison```: different from primitive type comparison
>> - cannot use ```==``` sign
>> - use boolean expression ```object1.equals(object2)```
> ## Reading Input (Scanner Class)
>> ```import``` scanner class to use it
>> use
>> ```java
>> import java.util.Scanner;
>> ```
>> to tell compiler to include scanner class in the .class file
>> line at very top of file
>> create scanner using
>> ```java
>> Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(System.in);
>> ```
>> |To read this...|...Make this method call|
>> |:--------------|:-----------------------|
>> |a number with no decimal point in it|nextInt()|
>> |a number with a decimal point in it|nextDouble()|
>> |a word(ending in a blank space, for example)|next()|
>> |a line(or what remains of a line after you've already read some data from the line)|nextLine()|
>> |a single character(such as a letter, a digit or a punctuation character|next.charAt(0)|
> ## Selection statements
>> allow java to make a decision
>> depending on decision, program will function differently each time it is run
>> ```java
>> if(condition){
>> //then perform some commands
>> // outcome
>> }
>> ### Example:
>>> ```java
>>> int age = 17;
>>> if(age >= 16){
>>> // execute if condition
>>> System.out.println("You are " + age);
>>> System.out.println("You can learn to drive");
>>> } // skips if condition not met
>> ### ```=``` vs ```==```
>>> ```=```: assignment
>>> ```==```: comparison
>> ### if.... else if.... else
>>> ```java
>>> if(condition){
>>> statement1;
>>> } else{
>>> statement2;
>>> // -----------------------
>>> }
>>> if(num > 10){
>>> System.out.println("Your number is greater than 10");
>>> } else{
>>> System.out.println("Your number is less than or equal to 10");
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> - used when program needs to choose from a variety of situations
>>> - use else if to specify another condition
>>> - helps to control the flow of your program
>>> - helps make decision when 3 or more conditions must be considered
>>> - makes program more efficient
>>> ```java
>>> if(age >= 16){
>>> System.out.println("You can drive");
>>> }else if(age == 15){
>>> System.out.println("You can drive next year");
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> - else if statement is additonal part of if statement
>>> - can be multiple else if statement in a single if construct
>>> - one if statement can only run one outcome
>> else - used to specify outcome that will be run if one other conditions are met
>> debugging - the process of finding out and correcting erros in a program
> ## Types of Errors
>> ```Compile-Time-Errors``` - Complier checks syntax
>> - syntax error - how you write your statements(your grammar)
>> - Spelling mistakes
>> - Punctuation errors
>> - Missing brackets, curly brackets, key words
>> - Incompatible types of data
>> - .class file not created
>> ```Logical Error``` - Hardest to detect/solve
>> - compiles and runs correctly but incorrect results
>> - wrong formula
>> - wrong approach taken
>> ```Run-time Error``` - occur during program execution
>> - causes program to terminate abnnormally
>> - try dividing by zero
> ## Logical Statements
>> True/False
>> 3 basic logical operator
>> ```OR/AND/NOT```
>> **```AND```**: when all values are true
>> **```OR```**: when at least one value is true
>> **```NOT```**: flips the value of a statement
>> ### Truth Table
>>> Used to study logic by computer scientists
>>> | X | Y |X OR Y|X AND Y|
>>> |:--|:--|:-----|:------|
>>> |T|T|T|T|
>>> |T|F|T|F|
>>> |F|T|T|F|
>>> |F|F|F|F|
>> operator precendence - evaluate left to right
>> 1. AND( & & ) - checks first statement, if it is true, check the second one
>> 2. OR( | | ) - checks the first statement and second statement
>> 3. NOT( ! ) - reverses the statement
> ## Loops
>> Allows coders to repeat code
>> Exit condition in loop
>> ```java
>> while(condition){
>> // do something
>> }
>> ```
>> ### While Loops
>>> consists of a condition statement that are executed while the condition is true
>>> types of conditions used in a while statement are the same as in the ```if statement```
>>> while the condition is true, repeat the statements in the loop
>>> ```java
>>> while(num <= 10){
>>> System.out.println("Enter a number higher than 10.");
>>> num = scan.nextInt();
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> the program continues repeating until the num is greater than 10
>>> there may be times when you may want to specify more than one condition
>>> no limit to the number of conditions, but should limit to 2 or 3
>>> can combine conditions(logical statements) using ```&&``` and ```||``` conditional operators
>>> ```java
>>> while(num >= 1 && num <= 10){ // runs until num is between 1 and 10
>>> num = myScanner.nextInt();
>>> }
>>> ```
>> Incrementing By One
>> ``` java
>> mynumber = mynumber + 1;
>> // is the same as:
>> mynumber += 1;
>> // is the same as:
>> mynumber++;
>> ```
>> Why counter: To keep track of how many times a loop has executed
>> ```java
>> int counter = 0;
>> int guess = 0;
>> while(guess != 7){
>> System.out.println("Guess a number between 1 and 10");
>> guess = scan.nextInt();
>> counter++;
>> }
>> System.out.println("It took you " + counter + " tries!");
>> ```
>> ### For Loops
>>> include three distinct statements separated by semicolon
>>> first statement declares the counter variable
>>> second statement specifies exit condition
>>> third statement increments the counter variable after each iteration of the loop
>>> counter variable only exists within loop
>>> ```while``` and ```for``` loop: - may not need to run if condition is false
>>> ```java
>>> for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ // this loop runs 10 times
>>> // do stuff here
>>> }
>>> ```
>> ### Accumulator
>>> variables that add any value to a sum or total
>>> realize the need for the variable
>>> declare the variable
>>> initialize it (give it a start value, usually 0)
>>> accumulate the value in a loop (add the value to the variable)
>> ### Do while Loop
>>> They must runu minimum once
>>> After running once, it checks the continue condition at the end of the iteration
>>> ```java
>>> do{
>>> // do stuff here
>>> }while(condition);
>>> ```
>>> Example
>>> ```java
>>> public static void main(String[]args){
>>> Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
>>> int total = 0, value;
>>> do {
>>> System.out.println("Enter values to sum and 0 to quit");
>>> value = input.nextInt();
>>> total = total + value;
>>> }while(value != 0);
>>> System.out.println("Your total is: " + total);
>>> }
>>> ```
> ### Random Number Generation
>> ### Method 1
>> ```java
>> import java.util.Random;
>> public class {
>> public static void main(String[]args){
>> Random randGen = new Random();
>> int randNumber = randGen.nextInt(100) + 1;
>> }
>> }
>> ```
>> ### Method 2
>> using Math class
>> ```java
>> int myRandNumber = (int) (Math.random() * 100) + 1;
>> ```
# Unit 2 Arrays
> ```Arrays```: a data structure that allow you to hold multiple pieces of data, in a single object
> - hold a predetermined number of elements
> - must be same type
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