diff --git a/Grade 9/Geography.md b/Grade 9/Geography.md index 61898bd..5280813 100644 --- a/Grade 9/Geography.md +++ b/Grade 9/Geography.md @@ -50,6 +50,19 @@ # Unit 2: Interactions in the Physical Environment > ```(Chapters 1-4, pgs 18 - 100)``` +> ```Population Density```:The number of people living in each unit of area (such as a square mile) +> ```CMA (Cemsus Metropolitan Areas)```: Area where alot of urban or people live (don't know correct def) + +> ## Types of Populations + +>> |Type of Population|Description| +>> |:-----------------|:----------| +>> |Dispersed|The population is very spread out acorss the land| +>> |Linear|The population is on some sort of striaght line, could be people all living across a river line| +>> |Concentrated|Alot of people in a small area, like ```Toronto```, very ```concentrated``` and has a very ```high population density```| + + + > ## Theory of Continental Drift >> Plates move due to hot magma below it moving it >> It was theorized by German scientist ```Alfred Wagner``` @@ -145,6 +158,7 @@ >> |**Canadian Shield**|- Northwest Territory
- Nunavut
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- Ontario
- Quebec
- Labrador|in progress| >> |**Hudson Bay - Arctic Lowlands**|- Ontario
- Quebec|```Lowland```| >> |**Appalachins**|- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland
- Nova Scotia
- PEI|```Highland```| +>> |**Great Lakes - St.Lawerence Lowlands**|- Ontario
- Quebec|```Lowland```| > ## Terms >> ```Climate```: The weather condition prevailing in an area in general or over a long period @@ -263,6 +277,91 @@ >> |Deciduous|- The trees that ```drop their leaves``` during the winter to survive
- Found in ```tropical``` climates|- Oak
- Maple
- Hickory trees| >> |Coniferous|- The trees that ```do not drop their leaves``` during the winter
- Found in rather ```cooler``` climates|- Cedar
- Douglas-fir
- Fir| +# Unit 3: Managing Canada's Resources and Industries + +> ```(Chapters 5-9, pgs. 101-201)``` + +> ```Total Stock```: + +> ## Resources + +>> |Type of Resource|Definition|Examples| +>> |:---------------|:---------|:-------| +>> |Renewable|```Resource that replaces itself unless badly mismanaged, are constantly being replenished by nature at a rate fast enough/faster than we are using.deplenishing them```|- Trees
- Fish
- Soil| +>> |Non-Renewable|```Resource that can be used only once, they are created so slowly by nature that the stock today is all that there will always be```|- Oil
- Iron Ore
- Fossil Fuels| +>> |Flow|```Are constantly being produced by nature. Their supply cannot be damaged by human activity```|- Sunlight
- Water
- Wind| + +>> ### The 3R's + +>>>|The R|Description| +>>>|:----|:----------| +>>>|**R**ecycle|Recycling ```recyclable``` items| +>>>|**R**euse|Reusing ```reusable``` items| +>>>|**R**educe|Reducing the things that can be ```reduced```| + + +> ## Farming +>> Problems +>> - ask ms lagis + +>> ### ```Intensive``` v.s ```Extensive``` + +>>>|Type|Definition| +>>>|:---|:---------| +>>>|```Intensize```|```Large amounts``` of ```labour, machinery and fertilizers``` used on ```small``` farms. ```High yields``` per hectare +>>>|```Extensive```|```Small amounts``` of ```labour, machinery, and fertilizers used on ```large``` farms. ```Small yeilds``` per hectare + +> ## Forestry +>> Problems +>> - Poor forestry practices +>> - Soil Erosion + +> ## Fishing + +>> ### East Coast Fisheries +>>> #### Reasons why it collapsed +>>> - ```Uncontrolled Foreign Fishing``` +>>> - ```Overfishing``` +>>> - ```Improved Fishing Technology``` +>>> - ```Destructive Fishing Practices``` +>>> - ```Changes in Natrual Conditions``` + +>> ```Offshore``` vs. ```Inshore``` Fishing + +>>> |Type of Fishing|Description|Pros|Cons| +>>> |:--------------|:----------|:---|:---| +>>> ||||| +>>> |```Inshore```|```Commerical fishing``` carried out ```close to shore``` in ```small, independently-owned``` boats|- ```Traditional```
- Less ```Destructive``` than offshore|- Less ```Productive``` compared to offshore
 | +>>> |```Offshore```|```Commercial fishing``` carried out ```far from shore``` in ```larger company-owned``` boats|- Very ```productive```
- ```high profit```
&ndsp;|- Less ```Traditional```
- More ```Destructive``` than inshore| + +> ## Water + +>> ```Fresh Water```: ```3%``` of the worlds water is freesh water + +>> ### Water Issues +>> - ```Unclean``` and ```unsafe``` water +>> - We are ```running out``` of ```fresh water```, or ```drinkable``` water + +>> ### Aboriginals and Water: Life on The Reserves +>>> The abroginal people had to take water from nearby water sources +>>> There wasn't any water ```Treatment plants``` in their area +>>> Had to ```hunt``` their own food most of the time (i.e ```fish```) +>>> ```unsafe``` and ```unclean``` water +>>> ```Grassy Narrows``` and ```Mercury Poisoning``` + +> ## Energy + +>> |Type|Description|Issues| +>> |:---|:----------|:-----| +>> |Fracking|By pumping chemicals deep underground to generate fossil fuels|It damages the environment and contaminates nearby water and land| +>> |Fossil Fuel|Non-renewable resources extracted deep underground|```Non-renewable resource```| + +>> ```Conventional``` v.s ```Alternative``` Sources + +>>> |Energy Source|Description|Advantages|Disadvantages|Type| +>>> |:------------|:----------|:---------|:------------|:---| +>>> |Coal|Coal formed from decayed plant and organic matter, extracted and produces electricity using steam (```thermoelectricity```)|- Plants can be built near urban areas
- Keeps transportation costs low
- Low-cost plants|- Fossil fuels prices rise
- non-renewable resource
- creates a lot of air pollution
 |Conventional| +