diff --git a/Grade 10/Science/SNC2DZ/Unit 1: Chemistry.md b/Grade 10/Science/SNC2DZ/Unit 1: Chemistry.md
index b08c763..03e4607 100644
--- a/Grade 10/Science/SNC2DZ/Unit 1: Chemistry.md
+++ b/Grade 10/Science/SNC2DZ/Unit 1: Chemistry.md
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# Unit 1: Chemistry
-- Matter - has mass, takes up space.
+- `Matter`: has mass, takes up space.
- fundamental unit -> ATOMS
-- One `formula unit` - repeating strucure in an ionic compound taht has the simplest ratio of ions in the compound
+- One `formula unit` - repeating strucure in an ionic compound that has the simplest ratio of ions in the compound
+ - Can be represented in **Chemical Formula** (e.g $`Li_3P`$)
- Ions are particles with charges
+- `Models`: Allows people to make accurate `predictions` about `behavior` of MATTER.
+- `Atom`: **Smallest** unit of element that still retains its properties. Made of **subatomic** particles
+- `Atomic mass unit:` $`1.67 \times 10^{-27}kg`$
## Atoms
- Atoms are the smallest unit of an element that still retains its properties
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- Involved in studying, varifying information (eg the periodic table -> Describes the elements -> pure susbtances made of only one kind of atom),and publishing.
+- Standarize the information for the public
+## Bohr Rutherford
+- Electrons in **uncharged** atom, # protons $`=`$ # electrons
+- Mass of an atom is the weighted average if akk usitioes if element
+- `Atomic Notation`, Top number is the mass, bottom number is the atomic number.
+## Lewis Structures (dot diagrams)
+- shows valence $`e^-`$; centre is atomic symbol
+- Use family groups to figure out valence $`e^-`$
## Trends on the Periodic Table
+- `Periodic Table:` Describes **elements** pure susbatances made of only **1** type of Atom.
+- The further away the electron is from the nucleus, the more energy it has.
+- `Periods:` repeating pattern.
+- Metals on **bottom left**, non-metals on **top right**
+### Measuring Atomic Radius
+- Stack a bunch of them, measure, divide by number of atoms, easy clap :p.
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Atomic Radius (size of an atom) |
Decrease due to more protons in the nucleus that attract the electrons, while having the same atomic radius |
-Increases due to sheilding and more energy levles, which actually cancels out and is greater than the force of increasing protons in the nucleus |
+Increases due to shielding and more energy levels, which actually cancels out and is greater than the force of increasing protons in the nucleus |
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- They tend to lose electrons
- They are shiny, ductile, malleable, conductive
- They have a weak/loose hold on electrons
-- Most metals are considered to be multi-metals
+- Most metals are considered to be multi-metals (`multi-valent`)
- can form ions of differing charges
- add roman numerals to the ions name to indicate its charge, for example, iron($`III`$) oxide.
+- `Metalloids`: non-metals with same metallic or metals with non-metalic properies`
## Non-Metals
- They are dull, bad conductors - insulators
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- We can use modesl(e.g Lewis dot diagrams) to show bonding
- Atoms will lose or gain electrons to achieve noble gas $`e^-`$ configuration $`\rightarrow`$ The most common stable ion. (eg, if $`Na`$ loses electrons, it becomes like $`Ne`$, if $`Cl`$ gains an electron, it becomes like $`Ar`$)
- To show that atoms are different than ions, we put square brackets around it $`[Na]`$, then we put superscript on the top right to show its charge, $`[Na]^+`$ (if the charge is only a $`\pm 1`$, we just put a $`+`$ instead of $`1+`$)
+- Example of ionic bond:
## Non-Metal Ionic Names
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- Naming and writing chemical formuals
- According to IUPAC
- Direct relationship beween chemical name and chemical structure
+- - Going down diagonally from `aluminium`, we get a pattern of $`3+`$, $`2+`$, $`1+`$ of charge. `Aluminium` has a charge of $`3+`$, `Zinc` has a charge of $`2+`$, and `silver` has a charge of $`1+`$, and they are all mono-valent. (not multi-valent)
+ - `Galvanize` (rust $`\rightarrow`$ white shield $`\rightarrow`$ cover iron $`\rightarrow`$ prevnet rusting, but I don't think it will be in this unit)
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- non-metals (the ones hugging the staircase are also non-metals (some of the `metalloids`))
- `halogens`
- `noble gases`
-- Going down diagonally from aluminium, we get a pattern of $`3+`$, $`2+`$, $`1+`$ of charge. Aluminium has a charge of $`3+`$, Zinc has a charge of $`2+`$, and silver has a charge of $`1+`$, and they
-are all mono-valent. (not multi-valent)
-- If there is more than one polyatomic ion in a formula unit, then surround the ion with brackets
+- If there is more than one polyatomic ion in a formula unit, then surround the ion with brackets/parentheses
- Oxyanion are negative ions with oxygen in them
|Polyatomic Ion Name|Formula (Always Remember The Charge!)|
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+### Oxyanions
+- Nitrate
+- Borate
+- Carbonate
+- Chlorate
+- Sulfate
+- Phosphate
+- And their family members :p.
## Deriving Ions From Parent
|Polyatomic Ion Name|Operation|Chemical Formula|
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## Acidic Oxyanions
+- Acids generall have hydrogen ions $`(H^+)`$
+- Acidic Oxyanions $`\rightarrow`$ Negatively charged ion with $`O`$ and $`H`$
- Each hydrogen added to a polyatomic ion increases the charge by one, and changes the name:
|Name|Chemical Formula|
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|Dihydrogen phosphate ion|$`H2PO_4^-`$|
|Monohydrogen phosphate ion|$`HPO_4^{2-}`$|
-- For above, we use mono for phosphate to avoid ambigious cases, where $`H_2PO_4^{-}`$ and $`H_2PO_4^{2-}`$ are the same if we don't put `mono` infront. As for the Hyrogen carbonate ion
-we don't put a mono due to no ambigious cases.
+- For above, we use mono for phosphate to avoid ambigious cases, where $`H_2PO_4^{-}`$ and $`H_2PO_4^{2-}`$ are the same if we don't put `mono` infront. As for the Hyrogen carbonate ion we don't put a mono due to no ambigious cases.
## Molecular Compounds
- Are not made of ions, instead molecules
- Shared pair of electrons -> `covalent bonds`
-- Lone pair of electrons are electrons that are not shared
-- Radicals are unpaired electrons, vefy reactive
-- Molecules have no charge
+- `Lone pair` of electrons are electrons that are not shared
+- Radicals are atoms with unpaired electrons, very reactive
+- Molecules have **no charge**
- Atoms fill their valence shells to form molecules
- Double bond between oxygen atoms in an oxygen molecule
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|Molecualr|liquid, gas, or solid|non-soluble|Has distinct colour?|Not really conductive|
## Binary Molecular Compounds
+- 2 different kinds of atom in molecule
+ - Eg. $`CO_2 \rightarrow`$ Carbon Diox**ide** $`\rightarrow`$ 2nd atom has `ide`.
+ - $`CO \rightarrow`$ Carbon Monox**ide** $`\rightarrow`$ If 1st atom is mono, drop `mono`
+### Greek Prefix For Number Of Atom
+- `Diatomic Molecules` The **gens**, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Halogen
+### Common Names
+- $`NH_3 \rightarrow`$ Ammonia
+- $`H_2O \rightarrow`$ Water
+- $`CH_4 \rightarrow`$ Methane
+### Elements found As Molecules In Nature
+- $`H_{2(g)}, Cl_{2(g)}, Br_{2(g)}, I_2, N_2, O_2, F_2`$
|Chemical Formula|Lewis Structure|What does the molecular model look like?|Name|