diff --git a/Geography.md b/Geography.md
index 76ad80e..7117d7a 100644
--- a/Geography.md
+++ b/Geography.md
@@ -123,6 +123,26 @@
>>>> |Still Water|Meltwater formed into a lake
Silt and clay and other minerals are deposited|
+> ## Types of Rocks
+>> |Type of Rock|How They Form|Example(s)|
+>> |:-----------|:------------|:---------|
+>> |Igneous|Formed when molten rock hardens|Granite|
+>> |Sedimentary|Commonly contain fragements of other rocks compressed and cemented together|Limestone|
+>> |Metamorphic|Formed when ```Igeneous``` or ```Sedimentary``` rocks undergo heat and pressure to create a different kind of rock|Marble|
+>> Rock Cycle
+> ## Landform Regions
+>> |Region|Location in Canada|Prominent Features|
+>> |:-----|:-----------------|:-----------------|
+>> |**Western Cordillera**|- Yukon Territory
- Northwest Territories
- British Columbia|- Formed when the ```Pacific plate``` **subducted** under the ```North American plate```
- It was formed during the ```cenozoic``` and ```mesozoic``` eras, **30** to **100** million years ago
- Its very ```young```
- Higlhand|
+>> |**Interior Plains**|- Northwest territories
- Saskatchewan