# Study Sheet # Transferable Skills - A skill that can be used in `multiple` different occupations - A transferable skill is one that you can take with you - `portable skill` - You learn transferable skill through your `interactions & expereices` with others, school voluteering, home, jobs - Transferable skills are organized into `3` sub-sets - Working with `people` - Working with `things` - `information & data` - A gransferable skill can give you an edge above others because employers will consider you a better candidate - Makes you a more `efficient` worker ## Leadership - A good leader: - `listens` to ideas of others - `encourages` others to participate - take `charge`, not take `control` - Life people up they don't let them down - Take responsibilities for mistakes and not blame others - Lead through `respect` not through `fear` - Solve conflicts and direct their group - Give `feedback` that is clear and `specific` ## Communication Skills - Skills that are needed for `writing`, `speaking` to and `interaction` with others effectively - Communication can be `verbal` (ex. speaking singing) and `non-verbal` (ex. written, body language, facial expression) - One way communication is `one main speaker, people listen` - Two way communication is `back and forth interaction, building on to the points, sustsaining the conversation` ### Communication Process |Process|Description| |:------|:----------| |Sender|Person delivering informationto the reciever or receivers| |Receiver|The receiver is the person that decodes and interprets the message| |Feedback|Response given to reciever| |Interference|Anything that impedes the communication| ### How To Receive A Message - Listen $`\rightarrow`$ Analyze $`\rightarrow`$ Check - Barrier to communication: `something that prevents the receiver to understand the message` - Possible Barriers - Physical, hearing impaired - Language - Noise - Distance, proximity - Medium - Intereptions - Active Listening Active engagement, shows that you are listening, gives alot of feedback ## Stress Management - **Stress**: The `imbalance` between demands and `resources`. When `pressure` exceeds one's perceived ability to `cope`. - Stress Management Skills: help to balance yourself so that the level of stress is at a manageable level - Possible Stressors - School - Relationships - Job/responsibilities - Everything, enviornment - **Peer pressure:** `expectations` of yourself and others that you don't feel that you can keep up with them - Do well in school, drugs etc - **Eustress**: `positive, productive` stresss to help you get things done. `Motivates` you to do better - Wedding day, excitied, ready to go to colleges, anxiety, scary book/movie - Indentify your stressors! - Avoid the stressors - Alter the stressors - Accept the stressors - Adapt the stressors ## Organization - State of being `structured` and `arranged` in an orderly way - Advantages of Organization - reduces stress/workload - increases efficiency - maintains order and convenience - Effective organizational skills are - learned, practiced, and updated constantly (ex: learning to prioritize urgency vs importance in order to better manage time) ## Negotiation - Negotiation is a `discussion` that is aimed at reaching a `argreement` - Sometimes negotiation requires a third party called a `mediator` - **Mediator**: a `neutral` third party - The mediator will try to help the two parties settle an agreement. The mediataor must `educate` themselves about both parties and what they are trying to achieve and what they will settle for in order to help them come to a `resolution` - Possible outcomes - One team wins, both team wins, one team loses ## Teamwork - Ability to work, `cooperate`, and get `along` with other people in order to attain a common `goal` # Workplace Hazards - **Hazard**: Something that does harm to you or makes you ill |Type of Hazard|Examples| |:-------------|:-------| |Physical|- electricity
- constant loud noise
- liquid/spills
-unguarded moving machinary| |Biological|- blood or bodily fluids
- fungi
- bacteria & virius
- plants| |Chemical|- Liquids eg. paints, acids
- Vapours + fumes eg. welding fumes
- gases eg. acetlyene, propane, carbon monoxide
- flammable materials eg. gasoline| |Ergonomic|- poor lighting
- poor workstation or chairs
- poor posture
- constant lifting| ## Occupational Health and Safety Act Rights - Right To Know - employer must tell you about all hazards at your job - Right To Participate - take part in keeping the workplace safe - Right To Refuse - you may refuse work that is unsafe/endangering ## Responsiblities For A Safe Enviornment - Ensure that required training is given to you - you are provided with equipment & training on how to use it properly - make you & supervisors aware of all possible hazards ## 3 Types Of General Safety Traing - General workplace safety training/information - specific safety training - WHMIS ## Reasons To Report Injury Right Away - correct medical treatment can be received immediately - correct amount of compensation recieved - cause of the injury can be investigated & prevented from happening again - **PPE**: - personal protection equipment # ESA - Purpose of The Employment Standarads Act 2000 (ESA) - Sets out the **rights & responsiblities** of both employers & employers in ontario workplaces - Employment Standards Act 2000 - An act that provides the minimum standards for most employers working in ontario - A 30 min break must be offered per 5 hours of work - When young workers are called in to work, and they work more than 3hrs/day normally, they will get paid the 3hrs, even if they didn't do the work for 3hrs because they are called in - Young workers are eligible for overtime if they work over 44hrs a week, which they get 1.5 their normal pay - Young workers are entitled to be paid for public holidays - When an employee works on a public holiday, they either get 1.5x their pay or alternative day off - Young workers who are part-time employess **are** covered by the ESA - The ESA covers young workers, the have the same rights as other employees in ontario workplaces under the ESA (certain jobs can be exempted) - An employee cannot deduct the cost of a uniform or other items from an employees pay, unless agreed in written form - An employee cannot withhold, make dudction from or require an employee to turn over their tips and other gratuties unless following a court order or there is a tip pool arrangement - To see if getting paid correctly, keep a record of hours worked - Young workers are only entitled to vacation pay after 12 months of employment - Young workers working in retial are allowed to refuse to work on public holidays or sundays, unless agreed upon at time of hire, basicalyl having the option to work - Depends on certain services (eg. restaurants), will be informed upon hiring - Employers have to tell young workers in advance if they are going to end their employement - Young workers can file through ministry of labour to get money owed by the employer - Call the ESA for more info - Workers that are not covered by the *Employment Standards Act*: `bank tellers` - General hourly **minimum wage**: `$14` - 3 exceptions 1. Firefighters 2. Actors 3. Student ($13.5) - 3 Basic Rights 1. Right to refuse unsafe work. 2. Right to participate in the workplace health and safety activities through the Health and Safety Committee (HSC) or as a worker health and safety representative. 3. Right to know, or the right to be informed about, actual and potential dangers in the workplace. ## Minimum Age |Job|Minimum Age| |:--|:----------| |Factory Worker|15| |Window Cleaner|18| |Underground Miner|18| |Construction Worker|16| |Logger|16| ## Jobs That Work During Holidays 1. Hotel motels, tourist resorts 2. restaurants, and tavers 3. hosipital and nursing homes 4. continuous operations - They should be payed a `public holiday pay` + `premium pay` for each hours worked