## Stephanie Refuses The Drugs
## Scenario
- Stephanie bluntly states that she will not take the drugs and then goes on to insult Kevin as being stupid.
- Kevin fights back and calls Stephanie a number of names and also calls her uncool.
- Stephanie feels uncomfortable and is thinking of leaving the concert.
## Choices
- [Stephanie Leaves](https://gitlab.com/magicalsoup/Highschool/blob/master/Grade%209/Physical%20Education/PPL1O9/Choose%20Your%20Own%20Adventure%20ISP/Choice_1-1.md)
- [Stephanie Stays](https://gitlab.com/magicalsoup/Highschool/blob/master/Grade%209/Physical%20Education/PPL1O9/Choose%20Your%20Own%20Adventure%20ISP/Choice_1-2.md)