# Unit 1 # Unit 2 # Physical Properties - A characeristic of a substance that can be determined without changing the composition ("make-up") of that substance - Characteristics can be determinded using your 5 senses and measuring instruments - smell, taste, touch, hearing, sight - scales, tape, measuring meter > # Qualitative and Quantitative Properties > |Type|Definition|Example| > |:---|:---------|:------| > |Quantitative Property|A property that is | > |Qualitative Property|A property that is NOT measured and has ```no numerical value```| > ## Quantitative physical Properties > - **```Density```**" amount of ```stuff``` (or mass) per unit volume (g/cm3) > - **```Freezing Point```** >> ## Common >> |Type|Definition|Example| >> |:---|:---------|:------| >> |Lustre: Shininess of dullness|Referred to as high or low lustre depending on the shininess| >> |Clarity: The ability to allow light through||```Transparent``` (Glass)
```Translucent``` (Frosted Glass)
```Opaque``` (Brick)| >> |Brittleness: Breakability or flexibility| Glass would be considered as brittle whereas slime/clay are flexible| >> |Viscosity: The ability of a liquid or gas to resist flow or not pour readily through|Refer to as more or less viscous|Molasses is more viscous, water is less (gases tend to get"thicker as heated; liquids get runnier)| >> |Hardness: The relative ability to scratch or be scratched by another substance|Referred to as high or low level of hardness. Can uses a scale (1 is wax; 10 is diamond)| >> |Malleability: the ability of a substance ```to be hammered``` into a thinner sheet or molded||Silver is malleable
Play dough/pizza dough is less
glass is not malleable| >> |Ductility: the ability of a substance to be pulled into a finer strand||Pieces of copper can be drawn into thin wires, ductile| >> |Electrical Conductivity: The ability of a substance to allow electric current to pass through it|Refer to as high and low conductivity|Copper wires have high conductivity
Plastic has no conductivity| > ## Crystalline vs. Amorphous Solids # Chemical Property > A characteristic (property) of a substance that describes its ability to undergo ```changes to its composition to produce one of more new substances. AKA BEHAVIOUR. Everything has one!``` > ```Cannot be determined by physical properties``` > E.g. ability of nails /cars to rust > Firewors are explosive > Denim is resistant to soap, but is combustible > Baking soda reacts with vinegar and cake ingredients to rise > Bacterial cultures convert milk to cheese, grapes to wine, cocoa to chocolate > CLR used to clean kettles, showerheads because it breaks down minerals > Silver cleaner for tarnished jewellery, dishes because silver reacts with air to turn black