# Music Review Sheet! # Intervals > ## How to determine an interval > 1. Size matters > - Count the number of ```lines``` and ```spaces``` between and including the ones that the 2 pitches are on (+2) > - Do not count them as the enharmonic equivalent, a ```C flat``` is a ```C flat```, **```NOT```** a ```B``` > 2. Construct Table > - |Size|Number of Semitones| > |:---|:------------------| > |P 1|0| > |M 2|2| > |M 3|4| > |P 4|5| > |P 5|7| > |M 6|9| > |M 7|11| > |P 8|12| > - **Remember**: **```P, M, M, P, P, M, M, P```** > - **Remember**: **```0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12```** > 3. Construct Keyboard > - Tone, Tone Semitone, Tone, Tone, Tone semitone > - Chop sticks > - Foot ball posts > > 4. Put 2 pitches on the correct notes on the key board > - put the pitches correct / corresponding to the key > 5. Count the number of semitones > - Counting from one semitone to the other counts as **```ONE```** semitone > - Example: ```C``` to ```C#``` is **```ONE```** semitone > 6. Find Quailty and Quantity of Interval > - Look to your table and see what is interval matching the correct number of semitones and size > - Example: An interval with the ```size of 5``` and ```7 semitones``` is a ```Perfect 5th``` > ## How to construct an interval > 1. First count the size of the interval to find the note > 2. Then count the correct number of semitones from the base note to find the pitch of the note > - Example: > - G is the base note, constuct a major 2 > - Count for 2 notes, you get A > - Count 2 semitones from G > - G -> G# (1 semitone), G# -> A (2 semitones) > - A is the correct answer # Rhythms > Go to this [link](https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MTc1NTQxOTY2MjBa) for more information and practice > Remember: > The Grand Staff > Lines are counter from the ```bottom``` to ```top``` > ## Treble Clef > - F A C E > - > - E G B D F > - > ## Bass Clef > - G B D F A > - > - A C E G > - > - The ```G Clef``` is The ```Treble Clef``` > - The ```F Clef``` is the ```Bass Clef``` > ## Ledger Lines > - Only there to suppor the note > - Do not write it above the note > - Is to extend outside of the ```grand staff``` > ## Notes >> >> > ## Measure, Bar Line and Double Bar Line > - Music is divided into equal parts by BAR LINES > - The area between two barlines are called a MEASURE or a BAR > - A DOUBLE BAR LINE is written at the end of a piece of music > - Its made up of one thin and one thick line > - The thick line is always on the outside > - On a grand Staff, the double bar line passes through the entire staff > - When dividing barlines, be sure to divided evenly # Unit 3 > ## Time Signature and Note Values > - The UPPER number tells how many ```beats (or counts)``` are in each measure. > - The LOWER number indicates what type of note receives 1 beat > ## Whole Half and Quater Rests > - **Remember**: ```B```at, ```H```at, ```S```quigly > - **Remember**: If an entire bar/measure is rest, then mark it with a **```WHOLE```** rest, doesn't matter what time signature it is > - > ## Ties and Slurs > - Tie joins two notes of the ```same``` pitch > - The tied note's value is added to the value of the first note > - The tie should always be written on the opposite side from the note stems # Unit 4 > ## Repeat Signs and Second Endings > - Two dots placed before the double bar indicates a ```repeat sign``` > it means to go back to the beginning > ## First and Second endings > -It means after repeating from the end of the first ending, skip the first ending and go the second ending > ## Eigth Notes > - When you add a flag to the stem of a quarter note, it becomes EIGHTH NOTE > - They are 1/2 of a quarter note > - An even number of eight notes can be grouped together with something called a ```beam``` > ## Eigth Rest > - Its equal to half the value of a quarter rest > Dotted notes > - a Dot represents a value of half of its original beat > - Example: A dotted quarted note is 1.5 beats # Unit 5 > ## Dyanmic Signs >> |Italian|Sign|English| >> |:------|:---|:------| >> |Piano||soft| >> |Forte||loud| >> |Mezzo Piano||moderately soft| >> |Mezzo Forte||moderately loud| >> |Pianissimo||very soft| >> |Fortissimo||very loud| >> |Italian|Sign|English| >> |:------|:---|:------| >> |crescendo or cresc||gradually louder >> |diminuendo or dim. or decrescendo or decresc||gradually softer| > ## Tempo Marks >> |Italian|English| >> |:------|:------| >> |Largo|Very slow| >> |Adagio|Slow| >> |Andante|Moving along (walking speed)| >> |Moderato|Moderately| >> |Allegro|Quickly, cheerfully| >> |Vivace|Lively and Fast| >> |Italian|Term|English| >> |ritardando|ritard. or rit.|gradually slower| >> |accerlerando|accel|gradually faster| > ## Articulation >> |Italian|Symbol|English| >> |:------|:-----|:------| >> |staccato||play the note ```short and detached```. The italian word means "detached". >> |accent||Play the note louder, with a special emphasis| >> |sforzando||A sudden, strong accent. The italian word mean "forcing".| >> |tenuto||Hold the note for its full value. The italian word means "held".| >> |fermata||Hold the note longer than its normal value (approximately twice the normal duration)| # Unit 6 > ## Flats > - One semitone lower than the current note > - Remember, C flat is not the same thing as B > ## Sharps > - One semitone higher than the current note > - Remember, E sharp is not the same thing as F > ## Naturals > - If the note was a sharp or a flat, cancel it out > - C# --> C, Db --> D # History