# Unit: 2
## Levels Of Government
|Level Of Government|Description|Responsibilities|
|Municipal||- Libraries
- Snow Removal
- Transit
- Building Permits
- Property Taxes
- Water
- Waste Management|
|Provincial||- Schools
- Education
- Health Care Delivery
- Social Assistance
- Natural Resources
- Licences|
|Federal||- National Security
- Defence
- Military
- International Relations
- Citizenship & Immigration
- Money
- Banking
- Postal Service|
## Branches Of Government
- `Prime Minster`: The leader of the nation, head of the federal government, and the leader of the party with the greatest number of seats in parliament
- `Premier`: Head and leader of provinical government and provinical party in power
## Executive Branch
- Carries out the plans & policies of the government
- Branch of governement that has the power to carry out the palns & policies of the government
#### Outline Of The Branch At The Federal Level
- Queen (represented by the Governor General) $`\rightarrow`$ Prime Minister $`\rightarrow`$ Cabinet $`\rightarrow`$ Public Service
#### Outline Of The Branch At The Provincial Level
- Queen (represented by the Lieutenant General) $`\rightarrow`$ Premier $`\rightarrow`$ Cabinet $`\rightarrow`$ Public Service
## Legislative Branch
- Branch of governement that has the power to make, change and repeal (remove) laws.
#### Outline Of The Branch At The Federal Level
- Governor General $`\rightarrow`$ Senate (upper house) $`\rightarrow`$ House of Commons (lower house)
#### Outline Of The Branch At The Provincial Level
- Lieutenant Governor $`\rightarrow`$ Legislative Assembly
## Judicial Branch
- Branch of governement with power to interpret the law, decide who has broken the law, and what penalties should apply.
## Right V.s Left Wing
|Left Wing|Centre|Right Wing|
|- more liberal||- more conservative|
|- support change in order to
improve welfare of all
citizens|- tradition is important but
change is supported if most
people want it|- tradition is important and
change should be treated
with caution|
|- government should play
a larger role in people's lives
(social services, benefits|- government should play
a role only in that it improves
the lives of citizens|- government should play
a small role
- private business should
ensure needs of citizens are
|- law and order are
important to protect right of
all citizens fairly and
equally|- law and order are
important to encourage and
protect right of invididuals|- emphasis of law and order
to protect soceity and its
|- more freedom to
individuals and less power
to police||- less freedom to individuals
and more power to police|
## Majority And Minority
- Vote/motion of non-confidence (can only occur in a minority government when less than half 50% of the MPs support the govt. on a bill. Govt. loses the confidence of the house and the governor general will dissolve parliament and call an election.
- This why minority governments do not always make it for a full term.