# Arrays ## What is an Array? - Object used to store a **list** of values - All values in array are the **same type** -Eg. int, double, char, string, etc - Used to store a large number of data - Easy to **access** any element in the array ## How to Declare - Declaring an array to up to 10 words ```java String array[] = new String[10]; ``` - Declaring an array and initializing variables at the same time: ```java String array[] = {"s", "d", "f"}; ``` ## String Manipulataion - `length()` to find the length of a string - `stringName.charAt(0)` will output the first character - Each character in a string has a positio. String positions start at 0 - `stringName.indexOf("T")` will output the index number that the letter `T` belongs to - `stringName.substring(3)` will output all characters after the index # - Eg. `string stringName = "Jim hates math"` - Output: `hates math` - First # is for the index that you want and last number is for the index that you don't want - `stringName2 = " i hate math "` - `stringName2.trim();` - Output: `i hate math` - `stringName.toLowerCase()` makes every character a lower case letter - `stringName.toUpperCase()` makes every character an upper case letter - `concat()` - `stringname1.concat(stringname2);` will put both string into 1 word - `stringname.replace("a", "p");` will replace every `a` with `p` - `stringname1.equals(stringname2);` will return true of false depending on whether the two contain the same value - `stringname1.compareTo(stringname2);` is for alphabetical order - if the condition above is $`< 0`$, name1 is before name2. $`> 0`$, name1 is after name2, if $`=0`$, its the same string ## Sorting ```java static void ImprovedBubbleSorted(int arr[]) { boolean isSorted = false; int j = 1; while(!isSorted) { isSorted = true; for(int i = 0; i < arr.length - j; i++) { if(arr[i]> arr[i + 1]) { int t = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[i + 1]; arr[i + 1] = t; isSorted = true; } } j++; } } ``` ## Searching ```java boolean found=false; System.out.println("Enter the word you want to search"); String word = sc.next(); for(int i=0; i