**Trial:** Bridge to Terabithia - Katherine Peterson  

**Aug 2022**  
My Dearest Yanfei - TheSummerTriangle0707  

**Jul 2022**  
**Ongoing:** The Wandering Inn - Pirate Aba  

**Jun 2022**  
Never send a ninja... - openendings  
The Debrief - openendings  
hope that perches in the soul - arsonide  
Safe - TheSummerTriangle0707  
the sound of your rain, it echoes with your laughter - cafe_au_late  
woe be the wallet of the god of wealth - glassdrachma  
for want of jared, nineteen - Schistosity  
**Ongoing:** My Dearest Wish - TheSummerTriangle0707  
Beast of Justice - TheSummerTriangle0707  
Sweet Rain, Smoky Scarlet - TheSummerTriangle0707  

**May 2022**  
Tao!Retainer - openendings  
A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking  
Three Days of Happiness - Sugaru Miaki  
A Marriage Plot - Bidoof  

**Mar 2022**  
hu tao is unbreakable - perfect10  
A Practical Guide to Evil - David Verburg  
Déjà Brew - cafe_au_late  
Genshin Study Anthology - Various Authors  

 - beast of burden - Hymn
 - even my silhouette is transparent - pyresque
 - Hu Tao Doesn't Cry - granola_oil
 - heart's silence - captainbeidou
 - the things jueyen chili can't fix, and the things it can - incendiarist
 - Purple Horsetails - halcyonia

Eufei Fluff Anthology - pyresque  

 - i've changed so that i can meet the new you
 - you and i and this place we've found
 - a time which exceeds the future we wished for

Ayamiya Fluff Anthology - Various Authors

 - bloom beautifully, high up in the sky - pyresque
 - the privilege of the one way street - delta_trevino
 - i'll give you the moon - arsonide
 - oh baby, give me one more chance (to show you that I love you) - arsonide

Two ice queens walk into a bar - openendings  
Sinae Unicornis - TheSummerTriangle0707  
the flower that blossomed delicately sways beyond dreams - pyresque  
the sunlight feels warmer when you smile - alittleunstable  
Reversal - Velvetwastaken  
**Ongoing:** montreal is for lovers - yuehaipavilion  
judgement and memory - glassdrachma  

**Feb 2022**  
Walnut Fluff Anthology - Various Authors

 - the more the merrier - rysarium
 - where plum blossoms grow - detectivecore
 - mens rea (the guilty mind) - arsonide
 - Treat - sweetfrost
 - Fireworks of the Heart - tansybells
 - i have to tell you that i like you - pseudowriter
 - Hu Tao can't cook to save her life - czar_taro
 - actus reus (the guilty act) - arsonide
 - The Unbound - granola_peel
 - tell those flowers the sun loves them - arsonide
 - and butterflies did she give - sailormeun
 - an evening hour at the museum - sodesthelimit
 - jump then fall - shahualing
 - rex lapis is totally undeniably dead! - arataka
 - In Wounds That Heal - Avera_Illisa
 - Wangsheng's 78th (or: the father of all pranks) - openendings
 - Not Ready To Go - tansybells

**Jan 2022**  
**CBZ:** Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty - Megumi Morino  
**CBZ:** Horimiya - Hiroki Adachi  
mist of grief on the river waves - yuehaipavilion  

**Dec 2021**  
**Ongoing:** Professor Von Genbu, Bringer of Drama - tbat  
**Ongoing:** Professor Von Genbu: Extra Credit - tbat  

**Nov 2021**  
Immune - Philipp Dettmer  
Ganqing Fluff Anthology - Various Authors  

 - Blue the Color of a Goodnight - chuminder
 - it's just like seeing her (for the first time) again - arsonide
 - in the wake of - Vaeyticc
 - jealous souls will not be answered so - arsonide
 - The Perfect Pairing - andes_hill
 - offerings to the adepti - Poliwag
 - Flowers for Two - Harmako
 - Taproot - chuminder
 - Sweet Flowers in the Rain - caprisons
 - qingming - eeruie
 - Nine Lives - chuminder
 - whatever we were to each other, that we are still - pyresque
 - cat got your tongue? - arsonide
 - staring into the rabbit hole - Smashing_Successor
 - Lift Your Heart, Not Dumbbells - TanJaded
 - two earths, another me - lancede

**Jul 2021**  
Cornerstone - chuminder  
**Ongoing:** Passage - chuminder  
out of mind - txhbi  

**May 2021**  
**CBZ: Ongoing:** Oshi no Ko - Aka Akasaka  

**Apr 2021**  
Spice and Wolf - Isuna Hasekura  
Spice and Wolf: Spring Log - Isuna Hasekura  

**Mar 2021**  
Tales of the Golden Deer - Hazeel  
**Ongoing:** Live Like We're Gonna Die Young - Kamen Rider Dimension  
**CBZ: Ongoing:** Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Aka Akasaka  

**Jul 2020**  
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky   
Girl in Translation - Jean Kwok  

**Jun 2020**  
Pedestal - Digital Skitty  
**Ongoing:** A Wild World - destinedjagold  
**Ongoing:** The Curious and the Shiny - NebulaDreams  
**Ongoing:** Broken Things - The Vulture Queen  

**May 2020**  
Heptagonal Ring - EntropyRing  
**Abandoned: Ongoing:** You Thought - shadowvulpix82  
**Abandoned: Ongoing:** Eon Fable - ScytheRider  
**Ongoing:** Fearless: Wrath of an Empire - Bomul  
**Abandoned: Ongoing:** I Am Lucario - lupyne  

**Apr 2020**  
Autophobic - ScytheRider  
Acrophobic - EkaSwede  
Shadow - Laroid  
Silver Resistance: Mystery of the Heart - Diego Zeyon  
The Ninetales' Curse - Negrek  
Wild Pokemon - ThePrinceOfPuddles  
Wild Pokémon: Through the Glass - ThePrinceOfPuddles  
**Ongoing:** Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Hands of Creation - Namohsyip  

**Mar 2020**  
A Healer's Dilemma - Valasania the Pale  
**Ongoing:** A Fish out of Water - James Yorke  
**Abandoned: Ongoing:** The Champions' Ballad - EyeofAmethyst07  
Dragonslayer - Tui T. Sutherland  

**Feb 2020**  
**Ongoing:** A Home Far Away - MadderJacker  
**Ongoing:** Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Path of Valor - Ambyssin  

**Jan 2020**  
**Ongoing:** Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Canon Breakage - ShmokeyDaBear  
**Ongoing:** Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gravity of Perspective - TheG0AT  
**Ongoing:** Fledglings - Fobbie  

**Dec 2019**  
**Ongoing:** Pokemon: The Origin of Species - DaystarEld  
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Fractured Elements - cynsh  

**Nov 2019**  
**Ongoing:** Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rebirth - Shadow of Antioch  
**Ongoing:** Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Silver Resistance - ScytheRider  
**Discontinued:** The Game of Champions - L. Lamora  
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Secret of the Marine Resort - Traveling Trainer  
Eldritch - Taurus Versant  
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Guiding Light - Ambyssin  
PMD: Defenders of Warmth - Arrowfoot the Dragon  

**Oct 2019**  
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Traveler Collection - Traveling Trainer  

**Sep 2019**  
Rise - Sam Maze  
Fall - Sam Maze  

**Aug 2019**  
**Abandoned: Ongoing:** Master, Pokémon? - Saphroneth  
**Abandoned: Ongoing:** Redemption - Iama2p  
**Abandoned: Ongoing:** The Missing Years - Iama2p  
**Ongoing:** Ashes of the Past - Saphroneth  
**Ongoing:** Ascension - The BlackStaff and NightMarE  
**Ongoing:** Traveler - The Straight Elf  
The Lost Master - Iama2p  
A World Divided - Iama2p  
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Beyond the Sky - Traveling Trainer  
A Flower Descended From Heaven - ItsYeBoiGuzma  

**Jul 2019**  
Big Shoes to Fill - Ee4ee  

**May 2019**  
A New Beginning - CrystalScherer  
A Starship Called Starsong - CrystalScherer  
Artemis - Andy Weir  
The Book of Awesome - Neil Pasricha  
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline  

**Jan 2019**  
**Ongoing:** A New Chance For Adventure - ARCEUS-master  
The Capture - Kathryn Lasky  
The Journey - Kathryn Lasky  
The Rescue - Kathryn Lasky  
The Siege - Kathryn Lasky  
The Shattering - Kathryn Lasky  
The Burning - Kathryn Lasky  
The Hatchling - Kathryn Lasky  
The Outcast - Kathryn Lasky  
The First Collier - Kathryn Lasky  
The Coming of Hoole - Kathryn Lasky  
To Be a King - Kathryn Lasky  
The Golden Tree - Kathryn Lasky  
The River of Wind - Kathryn Lasky  
Exile - Kathryn Lasky  
The War of the Ember - Kathryn Lasky  
The Rise of a Legend - Kathryn Lasky  
A Guide Book to the Great Tree - Kathryn Lasky  
Lost Tales of Ga’Hoole - Kathryn Lasky  
Lone Wolf - Kathryn Lasky  
Shadow Wolf - Kathryn Lasky  
Watch Wolf - Kathryn Lasky  
Frost Wolf - Kathryn Lasky  
Spirit Wolf - Kathryn Lasky  
Star Wolf - Kathryn Lasky  
Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer  
The Arctic Incident - Eoin Colfer  
The Eternity Code - Eoin Colfer  
The Opal Deception - Eoin Colfer  
The Lost Colony - Eoin Colfer  
The Time Paradox - Eoin Colfer  
The Atlantis Complex - Eoin Colfer  
The Last Guardian - Eoin Colfer  
The Artemis Fowl Files - Eoin Colfer  
The Martian - Andy Weir  
A New Chance At Life - ARCEUS-master  
Stopping The Storm - ARCEUS-master  
Wonder - R.J. Palacio  

**Dec 2018**  
**Digital Story Refresh**  
**Metadata Refresh**  
Animal Farm - George Orwell  
Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell  
**Discontinued:** No One is Happy with This (Undertale) - ANinnyMouse42  
Dragon Morphs: A Digimorphs Tale - nightdragon0  
Dragon Riders Chronicles - nightdragon0  
Dragon Riders 02: Kaze no Kaeru - nightdragon0  
Dragon Realms - nightdragon0  
Bahamut & the Guardian Forces - nightdragon0  

**Aug 2018**  
The Time Before (Undertale) - ANinnyMouse42  
A Name to Remember (Undertale) - ANinnyMouse42  
Silent Heroes: Wildcat - unbrokenworld  
Silent Heroes: Lone Wolf - unbrokenworld  
UnderCorrupt - ANinnyMouse42  
Upon Wings of Change - CrystalScherer  
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone -  J.K. Rowling  
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling  
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban -  J.K. Rowling  
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling  
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K. Rowling  
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling  
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J.K. Rowling  
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - J.K. Rowling  
The Dragonet Prophecy - Tui T. Sutherland  
THe Lost Heir - Tui T. Sutherland  
The Hidden Kingdom - Tui T. Sutherland  
The Dark Secret - Tui T. Sutherland  
The Brightest Night - Tui T. Sutherland  
Moon Rising - Tui T. Sutherland  
Winter Turning - Tui T. Sutherland  
Escaping Peril - Tui T. Sutherland  
Talons of Power - Tui T. Sutherland  
Darkness of Dragons - Tui T. Sutherland  
Darkstalker - Tui T. Sutherland  
The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan  
The Sea of Monsters - Rick Riordan  
The Titan’s Curse - Rick Riordan  
The Battle of the Labyrinth - Rick Riordan  
The Last Olympian - Rick Riordan  
The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan  
The Son of Neptune - Rick Riordan  
The Mark of Athena - Rick Riordan  
The House of Hades - Rick Riordan  
The Blood of Olympus - Rick Riordan  
The Red Pyramid - Rick Riordan  
The Throne of Fire - Rick Riordan  
The Serpent’s Shadow - Rick Riordan  
The Sword of Summer - Rick Riordan  
The Hammer of Thor - Rick Riordan  
The Ship of the Dead - Rick Riordan