feat: switch to typst

far greater control
This commit is contained in:
eggy 2023-07-10 22:45:59 -04:00
parent fabaaa263b
commit eeff3ee13d
4 changed files with 2162 additions and 227 deletions

View File

@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
% Adjust margins
% Sections formatting
}{}{0em}{}[\color{black}\titlerule \vspace{-5pt}]
% Ensure that generate pdf is machine readable/ATS parsable
% Custom commands
{#1 \vspace{-2pt}}
\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}
\textbf{#1} & \textbf{\small #2} \\
\textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4} \\
\textit{\small#1} & \textit{\small #2} \\
\small#1 & \textbf{\small #2} \\
{\textbf{#1} $|$ \textit{\small#3}} & #2 \\
#5 & \textit{\small #4} \\
%%%%%% RESUME STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%----------HEADING---------- \\
% \end{tabular*}
\textbf{\huge \scshape Daniel Chen} \\ \vspace{1pt}
\href{https://eggworld.me}{\underline{eggworld.me}} $|$
\href{https://github.com/potatoeggy}{\underline{github.com/potatoeggy}} $|$
\href{mailto:danielchen04@hotmail.ca}{\underline{danielchen04@hotmail.ca}} $|$
{Software Engineering Intern}{May 2023 -- Aug 2023}
{Dropbase}{Toronto, ON}
\resumeItem{ ??? }
\resumeItem{ ??? }
\resumeItem{ ??? }
\resumeItem{ ??? }
{Backend Developer}{Mar 2023 -- Sep 2023}
{Hack the North Organising Committee}{Waterloo, ON}
\resumeItem{ ??? }
\resumeItem{ ??? }
\resumeItem{ ??? }
\resumeItem{ ??? }
{Software Developer}{Sep 2022 -- May 2023}
{UW Orbital Engineering Design Team}{Waterloo, ON}
\resumeItem{ Implemented the light service and an event queue for a real-time OS based on ambient light changes }
\resumeItem{ Surely I will do something }
\resumeItem{ Please }
% -----------Multiple Positions Heading-----------
% \resumeSubSubheading
% {Software Engineer I}{Oct 2014 - Sep 2016}
% \resumeItemListStart
% \resumeItem{Apache Beam}
% {Apache Beam is a unified model for defining both batch and streaming data-parallel processing pipelines}
% \resumeItemListEnd
% \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
\section{GitHub Projects}
% \resumeProjectHeading
% {\textbf{\href{https://github.com/potatoeggy/calprod}{Calprod}} $|$ \emph{ Vue }}{Sep. 2022 -- present}
% \resumeItemListStart
% \resumeItem{Description}
% \resumeItem{probably only a couple}
% \resumeItemListEnd
{\underline{\textbf{\href{https://github.com/vincentjguo/recipeready-server}{RUST CAR SIMULATOR}}} $|$ \emph{Rust}}{}
{\underline{\textbf{\href{https://github.com/potatoeggy/aoto}{Archive Of Their Own (Aoto)}}} $|$ \emph{TypeScript, Golang, Postgres, React, Next.js}}{}
{\underline{\textbf{\href{https://github.com/potatoeggy/mandown}{Mandown}}} $|$ \emph{Python, Qt, Typer}}{}
\resumeItem{Created a real-time site scraper for metadata and images to automatically download comics}
\resumeItem{Handwrote a conversion library between CBZ/EPUB/PDF as well as image processing to optimise for e-ink screens}
\resumeItem{Increased download and update speed by more than 100\% by implementing image caching and multiprocessing}
\resumeItem{Designed a responsive and accessible CLI with Typer and GUI with Qt 6} % This line can probably be removed if we need space
\resumeItem{Automated extensive unit testing and continuous integration to minimise regressions between release cycles}
{\underline{\textbf{\href{https://github.com/vincentjguo/recipeready-server}{RecipeReady}}} $|$ \emph{Flutter, Selenium, FastAPI, Android}}{}
\resumeItem{Scraped thousands of websites for recipes to build a database with a robust many-to-many tag system}
\resumeItem{Designed a REST API to filter and query recipes along with ingredient pricing from Walmart}
%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages}{: Python, TypeScript, Rust, SQL, Golang, C++, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Bash, Java} \\
\textbf{Frameworks}{: Node.js, React, Next.js, Vue, Flutter, Electron, Qt, Typer, FastAPI, Sass, Tailwind } \\
\textbf{Tools}{: Linux, Git, GitHub, Android, Docker, WebSockets, Selenium, Postgres, VirtualBox } \\
\resumeItem{Winner of the EdTech category at StormHacks 2022}
\resumeItem{Winner of the IBM Open Source category at YRHacks 2022}
\resumeItem{2nd place in the Industry 4.0 engineering analytics contest}
{University of Waterloo}{Sep 2022 -- present}
{Candidate for B.A.Sc. in Computer Engineering}{Waterloo, ON}

Daniel Chen.typ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
#import "fontawesome.typ": *
#import "lib.typ": template, education_entry, work_entry, project, indent
#set page(margin: 1.75in)
#set par(leading: 0.5em, first-line-indent: 1.8em, justify: true)
#show raw: set text(font: "New Computer Modern Mono")
#show par: set block(spacing: 0.55em)
#show heading: set block(above: 2em, below: 1em)
#set list(indent: 1em)
// Change the theme color of the cv.
#let color = black
#let name = "Daniel Chen"
#let contact_data = (
service: fa[#globe],
display: "eggworld.me",
link: "https://eggworld.me"
service: fa[#github],
display: "potatoeggy",
link: "https://github.com/potatoeggy"
service: fa[#linkedin],
display: "potatoeggy",
link: "https://www.linkedin.com/in/potatoeggy/"
service: fa[#envelope],
display: "daniel.chen1@uwaterloo.ca",
link: "mailto://daniel.chen1@uwaterloo.ca"
#show: doc => template(name, contact_data, color, doc)
= Skills
*Languages*: Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, Rust, SQL, C++, HTML, CSS, Bash, Java \
*Frameworks*: Node.js, Express, React, Next.js, Vue, Flutter, Qt, Prisma, Apollo \
*Tools*: Linux, Git, Docker, Postgres, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform
= Experience
"Software Engineering Intern",
start_date: "May 2023", end_date: "Aug 2023",
location: "Remote",
tasks: (
"??? Query builder ORM",
"??? Integrating Airtable/HubSpot w/AWS Lambda",
"??? Major frontend refactor",
"??? Dropbase things"
"Backend Developer",
start_date: "Mar 2023", end_date: "present",
location: "Waterloo, ON",
tasks: (
"??? Telemetry and observability w/K8s, Grafana, OpenTelemetry",
"??? Registration ticket w/Apollo Server + GraphQL, w/Google + Apple Wallet",
"??? Went back and documented old code and endpoints for FE, APOLLO UPGRADE",
"??? Provisioned more Redis instances to avoid downtime"
= GitHub Projects
#project("Mandown", "https://github.com/potatoeggy/mandown", "Python, Qt")
- Created a real-time site scraper for metadata and images to automatically download comics
- Implemented comic conversion between CBZ/EPUB/PDF as well as image processing to optimise for e-ink screens
- Increased download and update speed by more than 100% by implementing image caching and multiprocessing
- Designed a responsive and accessible CLI with Typer and GUI with Qt 6
- Wrote extensive unit tests to minimise regressions between release cycles
#project("Kobink", "https://github.com/potatoeggy/kobink", "Rust, Axum, Postgres")
- ??? something here
- ??? something here
#project("RecipeReady", "https://github.com/github.com/vincentjguo/recipeready-server", "Flutter, Selenium, FastAPI, Android")
- Scraped thousands of websites for recipes to build a database with a robust many-to-many tag system
- Designed a REST API to filter and query recipes along with ingredient pricing from Walmart
#project("\"Pillow\" Water Quality Sensor", "https://github.com/potatoeggy/ece198", "Rust, STM32")
- Created a water quality statistics aggregator and visualiser on an embedded platform in safe Rust
- Engineered an embedded system with a STM32 microcontroller, matrix keypad, and an LCD display
#project("Primoprod", "https://github.com/potatoeggy/primoprod", "Vue, TypeScript")
- Mocked a video game UI using CSS to create a hyper-realistic, cross-platform game simulator
- Reverse-engineered an API to allow Primoprod to interoperate with a popular web service (paimon.moe)
= Awards
- Winner of the EdTech category at StormHacks 2022
- Winner of the IBM Open Source category at YRHacks 2022
- 2nd place in the Industry 4.0 engineering analytics competition
= Education
#education_entry("University of Waterloo", "Candidate for B.A.Sc. in Computer Engineering", start_date: "Sep 2022", end_date: "present",
location: "Waterloo, ON", details: (
[Secretary, Creative Writing Club],

fontawesome.typ Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

lib.typ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
#import "fontawesome.typ": github, fa
// Reduce space between paragraphs.
#let par_space = 0.75em
// Reduce space between headings and descriptions.
#let sep_space = par_space + 0.1em
let subtitle_space = par_space - 0.2em
// Format start and end dates.
#let format_date(start_date: none, end_date: none) = {
let date = {
if end_date == none {
} else if start_date == none {
} else {
[#start_date -- #end_date]
// Format locations.
#let format_location(location) = {
[_#block(above: par_space, location)_]
#let indent(content) = {
inset: (left: 1em, right: 0.5em),
// General entry that is split into a left and right half (for experience and education).
#let cv_entry(left_content: none, right_content: none, details: none) = {
dir: ttb,
spacing: 0.75em,
columns: (11fr, 6fr),
column-gutter: 1cm,
set align(left)
set align(right)
set align(left)
// Entry for education.
#let education_entry(university, degree, start_date: none, end_date: none, location: none, details: none) = {
let details_list = if details != none {
let list = []
for detail in details {
list += [- #detail]
} else {
left_content: {
text(1.2em)[*#university*] + "\n" + emph[#degree]
right_content: {
format_date(start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date)
if location != none {
"\n" + format_location(location)
details: details_list
// Entry for work.
#let work_entry(role, company, tasks: none, start_date: none, end_date: none, location: none) = {
let task_list = if tasks != none {
let list = []
for task in tasks {
list += [- #task]
} else {
left_content: {
text(1.1em)[*#role*] + "\n" + text[#emph[#company]]
right_content: {
format_date(start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date)
if location != none {
"\n" + format_location(location)
details: task_list
#let project(title, repo_link, tools) = {
link(repo_link)[#text(1.1em)[*#title* #fa(github)]] + [ | _ #tools _]
// Set name and contact data and format headings
#let template(name, contact_data, color, doc) = {
set page(margin: (rest: 0.5in, top: 0.4in), paper: "us-letter")
set list(indent: 1.25em, marker: [•])
set text(font: "Latin Modern Sans", 10pt)
set par(justify: true, leading: 0.65em)
#text(size: 2em)[*#name*]
#block(above: 0em, below: 1em)
if contact_data != none and contact_data.len() > 0 {
let elements = for el in contact_data {
(link(el.link)[#{el.service + " " + el.display}],)
text(1.1em)[#elements.join(" | ")]
show heading.where(level: 1): i => {
set align(left)
let title = smallcaps(i.body)
set block(above: 1em)
set text(weight: "light", size: 0.9em, fill: color, font: "New Computer Modern")
dir: ttb,
spacing: 1.5mm,
line(length: 100%, stroke: color + 0.4pt)