resume/Daniel Chen.typ
2024-05-14 00:58:41 -04:00

209 lines
7.3 KiB

#import "fontawesome.typ": fa, globe, github, linkedin, envelope
#import "lib.typ": template, work_entry, project, indent, SMALL_STRONG, DEFAULT_STRONG
// orange!!
#let color = blue // rgb("#ff983e")
#let name = "Daniel Chen"
#let contact_data = ((
service: fa[#globe],
display: "",
link: "",
), (
service: fa[#github],
display: "",
link: "",
), (
service: fa[#linkedin],
display: "",
link: "",
), (
service: fa[#envelope],
display: "",
link: "mailto://",
#show: doc => template(name, contact_data, color, doc)
= Skills
*Languages:* Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, Rust, C++, Java, HTML, CSS, SQL \
// MATLAB, Dart, Ruby
*Frameworks:* Node.js, Express, Axum, Spring Boot, React, Next.js, Vue, Flutter,
Prisma \
// Qt, Jest / Pytest, Apollo, Prisma, Rails
*Tools:* Linux, Git, Docker, Terraform, PostgreSQL, AWS/GCP, OpenTelemetry,
Kubernetes, GraphQL, nginx // Jenkins, systemd, Jira
= Experience
"Technical Volunteer",
"Organization for Transformative Works",
start_date: "Feb 2024",
end_date: "present",
location: "Remote",
tools: "Ruby on Rails, React, MySQL",
tasks: (
[Upgraded ETL pipelines to import 4 000+ user works to be accessible to *7+
million registered users*],
"Backend Lead & Event Organiser",
"Hack the North",
start_date: "Mar 2023",
end_date: "present",
location: "Waterloo, ON",
tools: "Express, GraphQL, Docker, Kubernetes",
tasks: (
[*Led and mentored a team of 7* to clean technical debt and deliver *3 more
features* than the previous year],
[Streamlined event check-in times by *80%* for *1900+ attendees* by generating
digital wallet passes over Express],
[Integrated backend tracing to monitor performance and trigger alerts with
OpenTelemetry and Grafana],
[Diagnosed and *recovered from load spike crashes* by debouncing queries, using
rate limiting as a stopgap],
[Shipped a new *bus registration tool* for attendees by creating new database
tables and GraphQL resolvers],
"Software Developer Intern",
start_date: "Jan 2024",
end_date: "Apr 2024",
location: "Remote",
tools: "Next.js, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, AWS, Terraform",
tasks: (
[Reduced manual user inputs by *40%* by extracting data from users' uploaded
documents in S3 with *Textract*],
// [Improved client responsiveness by *80* by employing stale-while-revalidate hooks for caching and ?? SWR performance, caching, error handling],
[Introduced CI/CD for AWS Lambdas by *codifying them in Terraform* for
reproducible and automatic deployments],
[Set up a staging environment via EC2 and Jenkins with parallel builds to *reduce
production errors by 90%*],
[Planned and executed a roadmap to SOC 2 security compliance by *implementing
role-based permissions with JWTs*, sending backend logs and alerts to
CloudWatch, and introducing new privacy controls for user data],
"Software Engineering Intern",
start_date: "May 2023",
end_date: "Aug 2023",
location: "Toronto",
tools: "React, FastAPI, PostgreSQL, AWS",
tasks: (
[Designed a conflict resolution algorithm for merging databases, *reducing
unrecoverable errors by 75%*],
[Owned and launched a HubSpot/Airtable to Google Sheets sync feature to *46000+
enterprise users* by writing AWS Lambda functions in Python, abstracting
interfaces to easily support future sources],
[Wrote and deployed a new React data query builder for our business intelligence
visualisation service to *33000+ users*, eliminating the need for clients to
manually write API calls or Python code],
[Developed a serverless microservice that asynchronously ingests email
attachments directly into ETL pipelines],
// [??? emphasise test driven development or remove line *Reduced request errors by 30%* by creating backend testing infrastructure with
// *Pytest* to catch regressions and test new features across database engines with
// *90% code coverage*],
= Projects
#set strong(delta: SMALL_STRONG)
// joycond-cemuhook?
"Mandown Comic Downloader",
"Python, Qt",
repo_link: "",
- Created a CLI and GUI to scrape, download, and convert webcomics into
e-ink-optimised ebooks (EPUB, PDF)
- Designed a scalable data conversion system via a *canonical format*, allowing
any format to convert to any other
- Implemented *image caching and multithreading* to increase download and update
speeds by *300%*
// #project(
// "Genshin Simulator",
// "Vue, TypeScript",
// repo_link: "",
// demo_link: "",
// )
// - Built a realistic and beautiful *loot box simulator* with CSS animations based
// off a popular game
// - Reduced action latency by *90%* by lazily loading art assets at opportune times,
// such as during cutscenes
"Kobo Sync Server",
"Rust, Axum",
repo_link: "",
- Reimplemented the Kobo Store Sync protocol in an Axum backend to *instead sync
personal ebook files*
- Deployed the service behind an *nginx reverse proxy* and *Cloudflare DNS* to
allow syncing over the internet
// #project(
// "RecipeReady",
// "",
// "Flutter, Selenium, FastAPI, Android",
// )
// - Developed a *Flutter app* to generate recipes based on ingredients and filters
// through a FastAPI server
// - Scraped thousands of websites for recipes to build a database with a robust
// *many-to-many tag system*
// - Aggregated common ingredients heuristically to build a shopping list and a meal
// plan for each week
// #project("Arch Linux Server", "Linux, Docker, nginx, systemd", demo_link: "")
// - Created a *self-hosted CI/CD pipeline* with *Gitea* to automatically deploy
// personal projects behind *nginx*
// - Containerised services with *Docker* and *systemd* to simplify deployment and
// management
// #project(
// "Game Boy Advance Emulator",
// "Rust, SDL2, Vulkan",
// repo_link: "",
// )
// - Implemented a *ARMv7 emulator* for old games to run on modern x86_64 platforms
// with *SDL2* and *Vulkan*
// - WebGPU and WASM for portability, typestate to guarantee everything is always
// valid
= Education
"University of Waterloo",
"B.A.Sc. in Computer Engineering",
start_date: "Sep 2022",
end_date: "Apr 2027",
location: "Waterloo, ON",
tasks: (
// [Courses: Object-oriented programming, data structures & algorithms, digital
// computers & circuits],
[Extracurriculars: Creative Writing Club, Hack the North, UW Orbital Design Team],