History of resume
Go to file
2023-10-08 13:41:40 -04:00
.gitignore ignore rename files 2022-12-30 13:07:21 -05:00
Daniel Chen.typ feat: advertise yourself more 2023-10-08 13:41:40 -04:00
fontawesome.typ feat: switch to typst 2023-07-10 22:45:59 -04:00
lib.typ feat: increase font size and clean text 2023-07-13 22:13:31 -04:00
README.md feat: add readme 2023-09-21 09:14:29 -04:00


Release guidelines:

  • The major version represents the current academic year, e.g., both post-2A and 2B would be v2.
  • The minor version represents the current academic term, e.g., 2A would be v2.1. the x.0 releases are reserved for beta changes.
  • The patch version is incremented for any other reason.