Solving for the same partial derivatives returns the same values, although bisection may be required for the exponent coefficient ($e^{bx}$) Instead, linearising may make things easier (by taking the natural logarithm of both sides. Afterward, solving as if it were in the form $y=mx+b$ returns correct
!!! example
$y=ax^b\implies\ln y = \ln a + b\ln x$
### Polynomial regression
The residiual is the offset at the end of a polynomial.
Taking the relevant partial derivatives returns a system of equations which can be solved in a matrix.
## Interpolation
Interpolation ensures that every point is crossed.
### Direct method
To interpolate $n+1$ data points, you need a polynomial of a degree **up to $n$**, and points that enclose the desired value. Substituting the $x$ and $y$ values forms a system of equations for a polynomial of a degree equal to the number of points chosen - 1.
### Newton's divided difference method
This method guesses the slope to interpolate. Where $x_0$ is an existing point:
The constant is an existing y-value and the slope is an average.
b_0&=f(x_0) \\
This extends to a quadratic, where the second slope is the average of the first two slopes: