>> Plates move due to hot magma below it moving it
>> It was theorized by German scientist ```Alfred Wagner```
>> ### Alfred Wegner's Theory:
>> |Proof #|Description|
>> |:------|:----------|
>> |1. The Jigsaw Fit|He saw the jigsaw fit between South America and Africa, meaning they must have been together at some point|
>> |2. Fossils|He found fossils of the same plants and animals on both continents, therefore it could've only happened if those continents were once part of the same land mass or joined together at some point|
>> |3. The Mountains|The Mountains ```(Appalachians, Caledonian and Scandinavia )``` are similar in age and structure on both side of the atlantic ocean, therefore the mountains was made due to 2 of the continents when they collided|
>> |4. Ice Sheets|Ice sheets were found in warm places, therefore the hypothesis is that these places were closer to the south pole at some point|
> ## 4 Geologic Eras
>> |Era|Dates|
>> |:--|:----|
>> |```Precambrian (Earliest Life)```|```4600``` to ```570``` million years ago|
>> |```Paleozoic (Ancient Life)```|```570``` to ```245`` million years ago|
>> |```Mesozoic (Middle Life)```|```245``` to ```66``` million years ago|
>> |```Cenozoic (Recent Life)```|```66``` to ```?``` million years ago|
> ## Theory of Plate Tectonics
>> ```The cracked egg analogy```
>>> Basically the egg crackes are like the plates and the yolk is like the hot magma moving the egg cracks
> ## Types of Plate Movements
>> |Type of Movement|Description|
>> |:---------------|:----------|
>> |Divergent|When two plates move apart<br>Most commonly happens around a ```mid ocean ridge```<br>Both plates get ```Larger``` when this happens|
>> |Convergent|Two plates move into each other<br>2 Types<br> - ```Continental meets Oceanic```: Oceanic slides underneath<br>```Contiental meets Continental```: The bigger slides underneath|
>> |Transform|When two plates move in a parallel motion<br> - it transforms their surrondings<br> - Usually the main cause of Earthquakes|
> ## Major Forces
>> |Type of Force|Description|Building up/Wearing down the land|
>> |Folding & Faulting|Folding rocks to produce mountains|Building up the land|
>> |Volcanism|Once magama settles, it dries and hardens to create new land masses or mountains|Building up the land|
>> |Erosion|Wearing away the Earth's surface followed by the movement to other locations of materials that have worn away|Wearing down the land|
>> |Weathering|Breakdown of rock into small particles by rain, wind and ice|Wearing down the land|
>> |Glaciation|- When a large mass of ice moves across the landscape if leaves a trail<br>- It acts as a bulldozer, scraping the soil and rock, and picking up anything in its way<br>- When the glacier stops, it leaves the pile of debris|Wearing down the land|
> ## More on Glaciation
>> ```Glacier```: Great streams of ice that flows like water
>> ### Erosional Effects
>>> 1. ```Removal of Materials```
>>> - Soil and rocks
>>> - Scrapes
>>> 2. ```Changes to Drainage Patters```
>>> - Completely changes patterns of ```rivers```, ```streams``` and ```lakes```
>> ## Depositional Effects
>>> 1. ```By Ice```
>>>> |Type|Description|
>>>> |:---|:----------|
>>>> |Till Plains|Mixture of loose sediments and rocks of all sizes|
>>>> |Moraines|```Tills``` that form at the edged nosed sides of a glacier|
>>> 2. ```By Meltwater```
>>>> |Type|Description|
>>>> |:---|:----------|
>>>> |Moving Water|Moves glacial debris on a massive scale|
>>>> |Still Water|Meltwater formed into a lake<br>Silt and clay and other minerals are deposited|
>> |**Western Cordillera**|- Yukon Territory<br>- Northwest Territories<br>- British Columbia|- Formed when the ```Pacific plate``` **subducted** under the ```North American plate```<br>- It was formed during the ```cenozoic``` and ```mesozoic``` eras, **30** to **100** million years ago<br>- Its very ```young```<br>- ```Highland```|
>> |**Innutian Mountains**|- Nunavut|- Formed in mesozoic era<br>- It was formed by the ```North American Plate```<br>- Its very ```young```, hence higher<br>- ```Lowland```|
>> |**L**atitude|- Where you are on a map<br>- If you are farther away from the equator, the less ```direct sunlight``` you receive, therefore it's ```colder``` in that region|
>> |**O**cean Currents|- Ocean currents moving away from the equator is ```relatively warmer``` and currents moving towards the equator is ```relatively cooler```<br>- Winds moving across the current are either ```cooled or warmed```|
>> |**W**inds and Air Masses|- Air mass is a ```large volume``` of air that takes on the ```climatic conditions``` of the area in which it forms<br>- They move depending on the ```weather patterns```|
>> |**E**levation|- It's ```Colder``` the higher you are|
>> |**R**elief|- Shape of the surface of the land<br>- Affects ```precipitation```<br>- The side facing the ```wind``` gets more ```rain and snow```<br>- The opposite gets the ```rain shadow```|
>> |**N**ear Water|- ```Maritime``` climate<br>- Winters are ```mild```, summer never gets ```too hot```|
>> |```Maritime```|- Small annual temperature range (cool to warm summers, cold to mildwinters) below ```25C``` range<br>- Annual ```percipitation``` is high - greater than ```1000mm```<br>- Develops in coastal locations near major water bodies (i.e. Atlantic or Pacific Oceans)|- Halifax<br>- Nova Scotia<br>- Vancouver<br>- British Columbia|
>> |```Continental```|- Large annual temperature range (warm to hot summers, cold winters) greater than ```25C``` range<br>- Annual ```percipitation``` is low - below ```1000mm```<br>- Develops in area far from oceans and large lakes, in the interior of a continent/land mass|- Regina<br>- Saskatchewan<br>- Winnipeg<br>- Manitoba|
>>> - Using cloth bags / reusable when going to the grocery store
>>> - Compost
>>> - Walk, bike to work / school
>>> #### National Level
>>> - Invest in green / renewable energies (```wind, solar, geothermal``` etc)
>>> - Ban plastic bags
>>> - Carbon tax
>>> - Cap and trade programs (companies trade ```GHG``` emissions credits)
>>> - Strict enviornmental laws regarding ```GHG``` emissions by industry
>>> #### Global Level
>>> - Participate in ```UN climate change``` conferences
>>> - Countries promise to reduce ```GHG``` emissions (ex. ```UN Paris Climate Change Agreement```)
> ## Greenhouse Gases
>> ```Enhanced Greenhouse Effect```: Greenhouse gases created by human activity
>> ### Main Greenhouse Gases
>> - Methane
>> - Carbon dioxide
>> - Water Vapour
>> - Nitrous Oxide
> ## Soil
>> ### Dry - climate(calcification)
>> - ```Dry``` soil
>> - Nutrients ```rise up``` to the top layer
>> - ```Top soil is rich```
>> ### Leeched
>> - ```Wet``` soil
>> - Nutrients get ```washed``` down and ```away```
>> - ```Poor quaility soil```
> # Vegetation In Canada
>> |Region|Description|
>> |:-----|:----------|
>> |```Tundra```|- Only a few ```very small``` trees grow here<br>- Small plants<br>- ```Harsh``` conditions|
>> |```Boreal and Taiga Forest```|- One of the ```largest forest region``` in the world<br> Growing season gets longer farther ```South```<br>- ```Long``` and ```Cold``` winters<br>- Deciduous trees (```White birch, Poplar```)<br>- ```Poor quaility soil```|
>> |```Grassland```|- Too ```dry``` for tree growth<br>- Some trees<br>- Natural grasses grow taller in wetter areas|
>> |```Mixed Forest```|- Mainly ```Deciduous```<br>- A bit of ```Boreal``` in the ```Northern``` area<br>- Winters are ```cool``` and summers are ```warm```<br>- Soils are not as rich in the ```South```, but more ```fertile``` than the ```Boreal Forest```<br>- Much of the ```South Mixed Forest``` has been cleared for ```agriculture```|
>> |```Deciduous Forest```|- Canada's ```Tiny Deciduous``` forest region<br>- ```Hot``` summers and relatively ```mild``` winters<br>- Cleared for farming<br>- Soils are ```fertile```|
>> |```West Coast Forest```|- Large ```Coniferous species```<br>- So much ```Percipitation``` is called a ```temperate rainforest```|
>> |Type of Tree|Charateristics|Examples|
>> |:-----------|:-------------|:-------|
>> |Deciduous|- The trees that ```drop their leaves``` during the winter to survive<br>- Found in ```tropical``` climates|- Oak<br>- Maple<br>- Hickory trees|
>> |Coniferous|- The trees that ```do not drop their leaves``` during the winter<br>- Found in rather ```cooler``` climates|- Cedar<br>- Douglas-fir<br>- Fir|
# Unit 3: Managing Canada's Resources and Industries
> ```(Chapters 5-9, pgs. 101-201)```
> ```Total Stock```:
> ## Resources
>> |Type of Resource|Definition|Examples|
>> |:---------------|:---------|:-------|
>> |Renewable|```Resource that replaces itself unless badly mismanaged, are constantly being replenished by nature at a rate fast enough/faster than we are using.deplenishing them```|- Trees<br>- Fish<br>- Soil|
>> |Non-Renewable|```Resource that can be used only once, they are created so slowly by nature that the stock today is all that there will always be```|- Oil<br>- Iron Ore<br>- Fossil Fuels|
>> |Flow|```Are constantly being produced by nature. Their supply cannot be damaged by human activity```|- Sunlight<br>- Water<br>- Wind|
>> ### The 3R's
>>>|The R|Description|
>>>|**R**ecycle|Recycling ```recyclable``` items|
>>>|**R**euse|Reusing ```reusable``` items|
>>>|**R**educe|Reducing the things that can be ```reduced```|
> ## Farming
>> Problems
>> - ask ms lagis
>> ### ```Intensive``` v.s ```Extensive```
>>>|```Intensize```|```Large amounts``` of ```labour, machinery and fertilizers``` used on ```small``` farms. ```High yields``` per hectare
>>>|```Extensive```|```Small amounts``` of ```labour, machinery, and fertilizers used on ```large``` farms. ```Small yeilds``` per hectare
>>> |```Inshore```|```Commerical fishing``` carried out ```close to shore``` in ```small, independently-owned``` boats|- ```Traditional```<br>- Less ```Destructive``` than offshore|- Less ```Productive``` compared to offshore<br> |
>>> |```Offshore```|```Commercial fishing``` carried out ```far from shore``` in ```larger company-owned``` boats|- Very ```productive```<br>- ```high profit```<br>&ndsp;|- Less ```Traditional```<br>- More ```Destructive``` than inshore|
> ## Water
>> ```Fresh Water```: ```3%``` of the worlds water is freesh water
>> ### Water Issues
>> - ```Unclean``` and ```unsafe``` water
>> - We are ```running out``` of ```fresh water```, or ```drinkable``` water
>> ### Aboriginals and Water: Life on The Reserves
>>> The abroginal people had to take water from nearby water sources
>>> There wasn't any water ```Treatment plants``` in their area
>>> Had to ```hunt``` their own food most of the time (i.e ```fish```)
>>> ```unsafe``` and ```unclean``` water
>>> ```Grassy Narrows``` and ```Mercury Poisoning```
> ## Energy
>> |Type|Description|Issues|
>> |:---|:----------|:-----|
>> |Fracking|By pumping chemicals deep underground to generate fossil fuels|It damages the environment and contaminates nearby water and land|
>> |Fossil Fuel|Non-renewable resources extracted deep underground|```Non-renewable resource```|
>>> |Coal|Coal is formed from decayed plants and organic matter, which is then extracted<br>produces electricity using steam (```thermoelectricity```)<br>The steam is produced from burning the coal|- Plants can be built near ```urban areas```<br>- Keeps transportation costs ```low```<br>- ```Low-cost plants```<br> |- Fossil fuels prices rise<br>- ```Non-renewable resource```<br>- creates a lot of ```air pollution```<br> |
>>> |Oil & Gas|It's formed from decayed plants and organic matter, which is then extracted<br>produces electricity using steam (```thermoelectricity```)<br>The steam is made from the burning of oil & gas|- Plants can be built near urban areas<br>- Plants can be built where fuel is rapidiy ```accessible```<br>- Cheap plants<br> |- Fuel costs raise rapidly<br>- Uses an ```non-renewable resource```<br>- Creates a lot of ```air pollution``` and ```acid percipitation```|
>>> |Fracking|Creating natural gas by pumping chemicals deep underground<br>which is then extracted later and treated the same as fossil fuels and natural gases<br> |-``` Dramatically``` reducing cost of naturallgas globally<br>- ```Reduces carbon emissions```<br> |- Contaminantes ```air and water```<br>- ```Destruction``` of potiental farmlands<br> <br> |
>>> |Nuclear|It creates energy by ```spliting an atom```, which gives off heat, which is then produced into steam to turn turbines to produce electricity<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> |- Plants can be built easily where the ```energy is needed```<br>- Operating costs are ```low```<br>- Abudant supply of ```uranium```<br>- Does not produce ```air or land pollution```|- Construction costs are ```very high```<br>- ```Radioactive``` fuel is very hazardous to ```human-health```<br>- ```Radioactive``` waste have nowhere to go and are ```dangerous```<br>- Reactors age and become ```unreliable```|
>>> |Hydroelectricity<br> |Electricity is generated by the movement of water<br> This movement of water turns turbines which generates electricity<br> |- Uses a ```flow resource```<br>- ```Creates recreational activities``` <br> |- ```Costly```<br>- ```Flooding```<br>- ```Dangerous chemicals```<br>- May affect nearby ```ecosystems```|
>>> |Solar|Uses the ```sun``` as a heat source to collect energy|- Its is a ```reliable consitent supply```<br>- Solar panels are becoming more ```efficient```<br>- It can be incorporated into the existing ```electric grid```<br>- It can be used on a ```local scale```|- The sun does not shine all the time<br>- Solar energy is not uniformly delivered across Canada<br>- It's a ```diffuse``` source that needs ```many collectors``` to generate enough power<br> |
>>> |Wind|Uses the ```wind current``` to turn turbines to generate energy|- The costs of wind turbines are ```decreasing```<br>- It can be incorpoarated into the existing ```electric grid```<br>- It can be used on a ```local scale```<br> |- The wind does not blow all the time<br>- Wind is not uniformly delivered across Canada<br>- It's a ```diffuse``` source that needs ```many turbines``` to generate enough power|
>>> |Tidal|Uses The waves ```tidal force``` to generate energy|- It's a ```reliable consitent supply```<br>- ```Improved designs``` of generators are making more sites possible|- There are ```few suitble sites```<br>- Generating stations are ```expensive``` to build<br>- Building stations has ```environmental impacts```|
>>> |Hydro|See Conventional|- Highly efficient<br>- It's a ```reliable, consistent supply```<br> |Building stations has ```environmental impacts```<br>- Depends on ```extensize power grids```|
> ## Minerals
>> |Type|Description|Examples|
>> |:---|:----------|:-------|
>> |Metallic|Minerals that when refined, gives us the ```metal``` group|```Gold, Silver, Platinum```|
>> |Industrial (non-metallic)|Minerals that are non metallic nor fossil fuel minerals|```Asbestos, Potash, Diamond```|
>> |Fossil Fuels|Minerals that release energy when burned|```Coal, Natural gas, Oil```|
> ## Types of Mines
>> |Type of Mining|Description|
>> |:-------------|:----------|
>> |Strip|Is used to mine ```coal, oil sands and other minerals that are located in horizontal layers near the the surface```|
>> |Open-pit|```Is used to mine minerals that are found near the surface but may also extend deep into the ground```|
>> |Underground|```Is used to extract minerals ores located deep underground```|
> ## Types of Industries
>> |Industry|Definition|Examples|% of Workforce|
>> |:-------|:---------|:-------|:-------------|
>> |Primary|Industries that take raw materials from the natural environment|```Agriculture, Mining, Forestry, Fishing etc```|4.1|
>> |Secondary|Processing of primary industry products into finished goods|```Construction, manufacturing, making prodicts like pencils, skates, tables etc```|20.7|
>> |Tertiary|Wide range of services that support primary & secondary industries and society in general|```Teachers, hair dressers, Programmer etc```|75.2|
> ## Terms
>> **```Free Trade```**: International trade without tarifs or other barries to trade
>> **```Tariff```**: A tax applied to imported goods that is designed to prouct domestic manufacturers by making foriegn goods more expensive
>> **```NAFTA```**: North American Free Trade Agreement
>> **```CETA```**: Canadian European Union Comprehensive economic Trade Agreement
>> **```Trade Surplus```**: The difference between the ```exports``` and ```imports``` if the exports **exceed** the imports
>> **```Trade Deficit```**: The difference between the ```exports``` and ```imports``` if the imports **exceed** the exports
>> **```Exports```**: Giving stuff away
>> **```Imports```**: Getting stuff in
>> **```Comparative Advantage```**: A situation in which a country is better off focusing its efforts in fields where its ```most competitive```
>> **```Dutch Disease```**: A Situation in which th value of a ```country's currency``` is driven up by the growth of ```exports of natrual resources```, such as ```oil or mining```
>> **```Multiplier Effect```**: The increase in ```total wealth or income``` that occurs when ```new money``` is injected into the ```economy```