|Radio Waves|<imgsrc="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/91PqLproBUL._SX679_.jpg"width="200">|• AM/FM radio<br>• TV signals<br>• cellphone communication<br>• radar<br>• astronomy (for example, discovery of pulsars)|
|Microwaves|<imgsrc="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2660/5202/products/KMCC501S_HC_1400x.jpg?v=1571711208"width="200">|• telecommunications<br>• microwave ovens<br>• astronomy (for example, background radiation associated with the big bang)|
|Infrared light|<imgsrc="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wIZozabAMO8/maxresdefault.jpg"width="200">|• remote controls (eg DVD players and gamecontrollers)<br>• lasers <br>• heat detection<br>• Astronomy|
|Visible light|<imgsrc="https://images.ctfassets.net/cnu0m8re1exe/5bMohBQkq3U2zU2Z5PtyBA/8a3a0f4530c95e41e868527c0983dd21/rainbow.jpg?w=650&h=433&fit=fill"width="200"> |• human vision<br> • rainbows <br>• astronomy (eg optical teloscopes, discovering the chemical composition of celestial bodies)|
|Ultraviolet light|<imgsrc="https://i1.wp.com/treatcancer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/670px-Understand-the-Effects-of-Different-UV-Rays-Step-1.jpg?ssl=1"width="200">|• causes skin to tan and sunburn <br>• increases risk of skin cancer<br>• kills bacteria in food and water<br>• lasers<br>• stimulates production of Vitamen D<br>• Astronomy|
|X-Rays|<imgsrc="https://medlineplus.gov/images/Xray.jpg"width="200"> |• medical imaging<br>• security equipment<br>• cancer treatment<br>• astronomy (eg. study of black holes, binary star systems)|
|Gamma Rays|<imgsrc="https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/qZjPVEZUNdngyBykB4J6fj-320-80.jpg"width="300">|• Cancer treatment<br>• product of nuclear decay <br>• astronomy (eg. supernovas)|
|Incandescence|- Produces light by using high temperature to create heat and light. <br>- Occurs in light bulbs, where electricity passes through a **filament** using made of tungsten it becomes so hot that it gives off visible light<br>- It also emits `infrared` light that you feel as heat radiating from the bulb depending on the bulb only a tiny fraction is converted to visible light the rest is converted to `infrared` light. <br>- This is makes this process very inefficient <br>- Examples include <br>- incandescence light bulbs<br>- burning candle<br>- lit sparks flying off a grinder|<imgsrc="https://i.stack.imgur.com/rSUeI.jpg"width="300">|
|Electric Discharge|- The process of producing light by passing electric current through a gas. Different gases produce different colours when electricity is passed through<br>- Examples include: <br>- Neon light signs <br>- Lightning (in this case, the gas is air)|<imgsrc="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/r-E3vw5F8sI/maxresdefault.jpg"width="300">|
|Phosphorescence|- The process of producing light by the absorption of `ultraviolet` light resulting in the emission of visible light over an **extended** period of time<br>- This is different than `Fluorescene`, as the light is released over a period of time<br>- Often described as `glow-in-the-dark` materials<br>- Examples include: <br>- glow in the dark watches, stickers, clocks etc|<imgsrc="https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1etspiDqWBKNjSZFxq6ApLpXaD/Glow-In-The-Dark-Dinosaur-Toy.jpg_350x350.jpg"width="300">|
|Fluoresence|- Process of producing light immediately as a result of the absorbtion of `ultraviolet` light<br>- Detergent manufacturerse often add flourescent dyes to make washed shirts more brighter<br>- This is process is even apparent in visible light because normal daylight includes a small amount of `ultraviolet` light<br>- Flourescent lights makes use of both `electric discharge` and `fluorescence`. The electric gas (usually mercury) produces ultra-violet light during electric discharge, which is then used to produce visible light.<br>- Fluorescent lights 4-5 more efficient than incandescent bulbs<br>- Examples include: <br>- Fluorescent lights|<imgsrc="http://sdhydroponics.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/PastedGraphic-21-1.png"width="400">|
|Chemiluminescence|- The direct production of light as the result of a chemical reaction with **little** or **no heat** produced<br>- Light sticks is glow because when snapped, the 2 chemicals react with each other to produce light. <br>- Chemiluminescence does not rely on `electric discharge`, little heat produced, no moving parts and can be sealed with durable material, making it very useful in hazardous environments. <br>- Examples include: <br>- Light sticks|<imgsrc="https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/1GoRbw0r-1kWPkmFey9BmR3H7Dw=/768x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/flasks-with-glowing-liquids-520120820-594044535f9b58d58a548082.jpg"width="500">|
|Bioluminescence|- The production of light in living organisms as the result of `chemiluminescence`<br> Examples include: <br>- Fireflies<br>- fungi<br>- marine invertebrates<br>- fish<br>- glow-worms<br>- certain bacteria|<imgsrc="https://www.hakaimagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/header-bioluminescence_0.jpg"width="300">|
|Triboluminescence|- The production of light from **friction** as a result of scratching, crushing, or rubbing certain cystals<br>- Examples include: <br>- Rubbing twoquartz crystals together will produce light due to triboluminescence|<imgsrc="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MzBXXmcaf2M/maxresdefault.jpg"width="300">|
|Light-Emitting Diode (LED)|- light produced as a result of an electric current flowing in **semiconductors**. <br>- **semiconductors** are materials that allow an electric current to flow in only one direction<br>- When electricity flows in the allowed direction, the LEd emits light<br>- **Does not** produce much **heat** as a by-product, nor require a **filament**, and is more energy efficient<br>- Examples include<br>- LED lights<br>- christmas tree lights<br>- illuminated signs<br>- traffic lights|<imgsrc="https://d114hh0cykhyb0.cloudfront.net/images/uploads/rgb-fast-color-changing-led01.jpg"width="300">|