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# French Study Sheet
# Vocabulary
|Word In French|Meaning|
|J'espere|I Hope|
# Revision de petits mots
| |masculin|feminin|masc. pluriel|fem. pluriel|
|a |un|une|des|des|
|some|du|de la|des|des|
|your (sing.)|ton|ta|tes|tes|
|your (plur.)|votre|votre|vos|vos|
## Regle
- ### Eg. 1
- A girl = une fille --> use ```une``` because ```fille``` is ```feminine```, ```singular```
- Some milk = du lait --> use ```du``` because ```lait``` is ```masculine```, ```singular```
- His dogs = ses chiens --> use ```ses``` because ```chiens``` is ```masculine```, ```plural```
- ### Eg. 2
- Both Tomy and Betty have a sister. When referring to their sisters, they will both say **```ma soeur```** because ```sister``` is a **```feminine, singular```** word. Furthermore, if they are referring to their fathers. they will both say **```mon père```** because ```father``` is a **``` masculine, singular```** word.
- **Point:** Their gender doesn't matter! It's the gender and number of the thing(noun) we're referring to that determines what little word you use
# Le Present
## Les verbes reguliers
| |Parler|Finir|Repondre|
## Les verbes irreguliers
| |Être (To be)|Avoir (To have)|Aller (To go)|Faire (To make)|
| |Vouloir (To want)|Pouvoir (To can)|Venir (To come)|Devoir (To need)|
| |Sortir (To leave)|Ecrire (To write)|Lire (To read)|Voir (To see)|
| |Mettre (To put)|Prendre (To take)|Boire (To drink)|Acheter (To buy)|
- On --> One, we, you in general
- Tu --> Peers, people younger than you, your parents
- Vous --> You (plural), older than you, don't know well, formal or respectitive
# Accents
## accent aigu ```é```
- The same sound as ```er```
- parl```er``` has the same sound as parl```é```
## accent grave ```è```
- used to differentiate words
- E.g ```à``` and ```a```
## accent circonflexe ```ê```
- indicates that there was an ```s``` before
- French derived from latin
- Conosant sounds
- ```L'hôpital``` --> ```L'hospital```
## accent cedille ```ç```
- tells us to pronounce it as a ```s```
- fran```çais``` --> pronounce as fran```sais```
- **```Don't put```** if its preceeding an **```a, o, u```**
## accent trema ```ï```
- isolating the sound
- ha```ï```ti --> pronounce the ```i``` clearly
# Les expressions avec Avoir
|Avoir soif|To be thirsty|
|Avoir froid|To be cold|
|Avoir chaud|To be hot|
|Avoir faim|To be hungry|
|Avoir de la change|To be lucky|
|Avoir...ans|To be old|
|Avoir mal à...|To have pain in...|
|Avoir envie de...|To be jealous...|
|Avoir tort|To be wrong|
|Avoir raison|To be reasonable|
|Avoir honte de...|To be ashamed of...|
|Avoir l'air de...|To seem like...|
|Avoir sommeil|To be sleepy|
|Avoir peur de...|To be scared of...|
|Avoir l'habitude de...|To have the habit of...|
|Avoir du mal à|To be bad at|
|Avoir lieu|To take place|
|Avoir le droit de...|To have the right to...|
|Avoir le mal de mer|To be sea sick|
# Verbe
- Je parle has different meanings
1. I talk
2. I am talking
3. I do talk
** Never translate word for word from English!**
# Passe Compose
- Past - tense in french
- Je parle --> Je parlé
> I talk --> I talked
- Most verbes are conjugated with ```avoir```, with ```14``` excepetions that conjugate with ```etre```
## Conjugation
|Verb Type|Rule|
|Verbes that end with ```ER```|Cut the ```er``` ending and change it to ```é```|
|Verbes that end with ```IR```|Cut the ```ir``` ending and change it to ```i```|
|Some Verbes that end with ```RE```|Cut the ```re``` ending and change it to ```u```|
### Etre
|Verb in Infinitive|Conjugation|
# Imparfait
## Vocabularie
|Evenements specifiques|English|
|un soir|one evening|
|un mardi|one Tuesday|
|un jour|one day|
|le 4 mai|on May 4|
|une fois|once|
|deux fois|twice|
|plusieurs fois|several times|
|Evenements habituels|English|
|les soir|in the evening|
|tous les soirs|every evening|
|le mardi|on Tuesdays|
|tous les mardis|every Tuesday|
|chaque jour|every day|
|tous le jours|every day|
|autrefois|in the past|
letters : è, é ê É Ê À, à Ô ô Ç or ç ï