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Computer Science Review Sheet
Exam Layout
Part Description Marks A
True / False 10 B
Multiple Choice
- All java code learnt, selection, loops, methods, Arrays, methods, strings38 C
Short & Long Answers
- Compare and contrast short code, methods, problem solving20 Total
Intro To Programming
: are used to explain and clarify program ocde for human reader
Operator Uses Description + a + b Addition - a- b Subtraction * a * b Multiplication / a / b Division % a % b Mod, the Remainder
BEDMAS rules still apply
means a group of many characters
String Concatenation
: means that two strings are combined into one using the “r” sign
Holder for data
We can use words instead of just a single letter - can store more than just numbers
a place in memory (RAM: random access memory) where it can be stored or referred to
- Name, type, value
To declare a variable 1. Name 2. Data Type
A variable is the name of a reserved memory location
A varaible name is called an identifier
Reserved words cannot be used as an identifier
Java Primitives
Variables can be created for any of the data types listed
The chart shows examples of how to create a new variable for each primitive
Type Range Size Variable Declaration byte -128 to 127 8 bits bits_8 byte bits_8; short -32768 to 32767 16 bits TALL short TALL; int -2 billion to 2 billion 32-bits sum int sum; long -9 quintillion to 9 quintillion(huge) 64 bits mile long mile; float -3.4e+/-38 to 3.4e+/-38 32 bits pi float pi; double -1.7e+/-308 to 1.7+/-308 64 bits stuff double stuff; char Single (unicode) characters 16 bits letter char letter;