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highschool/Grade 10/Computer Science/ICS4U1/Sorting Methods/Insertion Sort.md

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Inssertion sort

What is Insertion sort

  • a sorting algorithm
  • dividng an array into sroted and unsorted sections
  • removes elements in idividually from un unosrted section of the list and inserts it into its correct position in a new sorted seqeuence


  • Set a key for the sections after the 1st element
  • repeat the following
    • select first unsorted element as the key
    • move sorted elements to the right to create space
    • shift unsorted elemnet into correct position
    • advance the key to the right by 1 element
  • Tests first unsorted element (key) to last element of sorted section
  • If key is larger, insertion sort leaves the element in place and hte next indexs element becomes the key
  • Else it finds the correct position within the sorted list
    • Duplicate the larger element in to one ahead of its current index each time the key is tested
    • By looping this, it makes space and inserts the key into that correct position

Pseudo code

for x = 1 : n
    key = list[x]
    y = x-1
    while y >= 0 && key < list[y]
        insert list[x] into the sorted sequence list[1 .. x-1]
        list[y+1] = list[y]
    list[y+1] = key


for(int i=1; i<numbers.length; i++) {
    key = numbers[i];
    j = i-1;
    while(j >= 0 && numbers[j] > key) {
        numbers[j + 1] = numbers[j];
    numbers[j + 1] = key;


  • Stable
    • Instead of swapping elements, all elements are shifted one position ahead
  • Adaptable
    • if input is already sorted then time complexity will be \(`O(n)`\)
  • Space complexity
    • In-place sorting, original array is updated rather than creating a new one, space complexity \(`O(1)`\)
  • Very low overhead

Time Complexity

  • Best Case
    • \(`O(N)`\)
  • Worst Case
    • \(`O(N^2)`\)
  • Average Case
    • \(`O(N^2)`\)

Number of passes and comparisons

  • Number of passes
    • Insetion sort always require n-1 passes
  • Mininimum number of comparisons = \(`n-1`\)
  • maximum number of comparisons = \(`\dfrac{n^2-n}{2}`\) or \(`n(n-1)/2`\)
  • Average number of comparisons = \(`\dfrac{n^2-n}{4}`\) or \(`n(n-1)/4`\)

When To Use

  • Good to use when the array is nearly sorted, and only a few elements are misplaced
  • Method is efficient - reduces the number of comparisons if in a pratially sorted array
  • Method will simply insert the unsorted elements into its correct place.

When not to use

  • In efficient for inverse sorting
  • Descending order is considered the worst unsorted case
  • Not as efficient if list is completely unsorted

Relation to Selection Sort

  • Outer loop over every index
  • Inner loop
  • Each pass (within the inner loop) increases the number of sorted items by one until there are no more unsorted items

Differences To Selection Sort

Selection Sort - Taking the current item and swapping it with the smallest item on the right side of the list - More simple - One possible case \(`O(n^2)`\)

Insertion Sort - Taking the current item and inserting into the right position by adjusting the list - more efficient (best case \(`O(n)`\))