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Quick Sort
What exactly is quicksort
- take an element as a pivot, move all greater elements than pivot to one side and the lesser elements to the other side. Keep partioning until array is sorted. It is a divide and conquer algorithm
- Known as the queen of all sorts.
What are the steps of the quicksort algorithm
- Pick a pivot point
- Partion the list by using the pivot point, move lesser elements to the left and greater elements to the right
- Repeat until list is sorted
What is the partiion method?
- Given ana array and an element \(`x`\), put elements \(`\gt x`\) to the right and \(`\le x`\) to the left. This should be done in linear time
- You can either pick the last, first, middle or random element as the pivot
Pros and Cons
- Pros
- Inplace \(`O(1)`\) memory
- Relative fast time complexity most of the time \(`O(n \log n)`\)
- Cons
- Can result in \(`O(n^2)`\) worst time complexity
- Hard to implement