forked from eggy/eifueo
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ECE 250: DSA
A heap is a binary tree stored in an array in which all levels but the lowest are filled. It is guaranteed that the parent of index \(i\) is greater than or equal to the element at index \(i\).
- the parent of index \(i\) is stored at \(i/2\)
- the left child of index \(i\) is stored at \(2i\)
- the right child of index \(i\) is stored at \(2i+1\)
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
The heapify command takes a node and makes it and its children a valid heap.
fn heapify(&mut A: Vec, i: usize) {
if A[2*i] >= A[i] {
.swap(2*i, i);
A, 2*i)
heapify(A} else if A[2*i + 1] >= A[i] {
.swap(2*i + 1, i);
A, 2*i + 1)
Repeatedly heapifying an array from middle to beginning converts it to a heap.
fn build_heap(A: Vec) {
let n = A.len()
for i in (n/2).floor()..0 { // this is technically not valid but it's much clearer
, i);
Heapsort constructs a heap annd then does magic things that I really cannot be bothered to figure out right now.
fn heapsort(A: Vec) {
build_heap(A)let n = A.len();
for i in n..0 {
.swap(1, i);
A, 1); // NOTE: heapify takes into account the changed value of n
Priority queues
A priority queue is a heap with the property that it can remove the highest value in \(O(\log n)\) time.
fn pop(A: Vec, &n: usize) {
let biggest = A[0];
0] = n;
A[*n -= 1;
, 1);
heapify(Areturn biggest;
fn insert(A: Vec, &n: usize, key: i32) {
*n += 1;
let i = n;
while i > 1 && A[parent(i)] < key {
= A[parent(i)];
A[i] = parent(i);
i }
= k;
A[i] }