- the computer has found its way into every part of our lives. They are on our disks. they run the robots on production lines. they are part of items such as our cars, our wristwatches, our microwaves. Computer know-how is essential for your work life
- It is used to be that only very large business had the financial means to compete in the marketplace. But computerizations and use of the Internet has given small organizatiosn the tools to be part of the global marketplace. In Canada, more jobs are being created by small businesses than large corporations
- The internet allows small companies to advertise equally with big companies. They can profit in specialized markets - markets too small for big business that has to sell to millions of people to be profitable
- As they grow older, baby boomers will require more frequent, sepcialized medical care. They will also want to maintain connections with careers and family for as long as possible. Therefore, expect to see continued growth in fields that cater to their wishes. The assisted lviving industry will continue to outpace other areas of healthcare, while growing teams of social workers will help care for less fortunate baby boomers
- Businesses and governments are increasingly aware of Green Trends in employment, business, and other industries. Since the emergence of the green economy has produced a widespread adaptations and relocation of existing jobs
- Globally, a new economy is emerging, and it has a strong shade of green. By some estimates, the green economy is already woth more than US $4 trillion and is growing fast. The importance of harm caused by climate change is known to everyone. Climate change is a crisis of enormous magnitude and it isn't just an issue in the future
- We are already feeling the effects, for example with receding glaciers, extreme weather events, etc. Some of theses jobs will be in specialized areas, such as installing solar panels and reseraching new building material technologies but the vast majority of jobs are in the same areas of employment that people already work in today.
- **Peer pressure:** `expectations` of yourself and others that you don't feel that you can keep up with them
- Do well in school, drugs etc
- **Eustress**: `positive, productive` stresss to help you get things done. `Motivates` you to do better
- Wedding day, excitied, ready to go to colleges, anxiety, scary book/movie
- Indentify your stressors!
- Avoid the stressors
- Alter the stressors
- Accept the stressors
- Adapt the stressors
## Organization
- State of being `structured` and `arranged` in an orderly way
- Advantages of Organization
- reduces stress/workload
- increases efficiency
- maintains order and convenience
- Effective organizational skills are
- learned, practiced, and updated constantly (ex: learning to prioritize urgency vs importance in order to better manage time)
## Negotiation
- Negotiation is a `discussion` that is aimed at reaching a `argreement`
- Sometimes negotiation requires a third party called a `mediator`
- **Mediator**: a `neutral` third party
- The mediator will try to help the two parties settle an agreement. The mediataor must `educate` themselves about both parties and what they are trying to achieve and what they will settle for in order to help them come to a `resolution`
- Possible outcomes
- One team wins, both team wins, one team loses
## Teamwork
- Ability to work, `cooperate`, and get `along` with other people in order to attain a common `goal`
# Workplace Hazards
- **Hazard**: Something that does harm to you or makes you ill
- Purpose of The Employment Standarads Act 2000 (ESA)
- Sets out the **rights & responsiblities** of both employers & employers in ontario workplaces
- Employment Standards Act 2000
- An act that provides the minimum standards for most employers working in ontario
- A 30 min break must be offered per 5 hours of work
- When young workers are called in to work, and they work more than 3hrs/day normally, they will get paid the 3hrs, even if they didn't do the work for 3hrs because they are called in
- Young workers are eligible for overtime if they work over 44hrs a week, which they get 1.5 their normal pay
- Young workers are entitled to be paid for public holidays
- When an employee works on a public holiday, they either get 1.5x their pay or alternative day off
- Young workers who are part-time employess **are** covered by the ESA
- The ESA covers young workers, the have the same rights as other employees in ontario workplaces under the ESA (certain jobs can be exempted)
- An employee cannot deduct the cost of a uniform or other items from an employees pay, unless agreed in written form
- An employee cannot withhold, make dudction from or require an employee to turn over their tips and other gratuties unless following a court order or there is a tip pool arrangement
- To see if getting paid correctly, keep a record of hours worked
- Young workers are only entitled to vacation pay after 12 months of employment
- Young workers working in retail are allowed to refuse to work on public holidays or Sundays, unless agreed upon at time of hire, basically having the option to work
2. Right to participate in the workplace health and safety activities through the Health and Safety Committee (HSC) or as a worker health and safety representative.
3. Right to know, or the right to be informed about, actual and potential dangers in the workplace.